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Posts posted by juniebird

  1. Thanks so much for your imput. Vicky, thank you for taking the time to go point by point! I have been thinking way too hard about all of this. I had a feeling that "natural" was really not all that natural.

    Vicky, the product that was being advertised as a soy "oil" candle looked like a container candle with a wick. I was told that it burned at 2 degrees above body temp. You could dip your fingers in the melt pool, and then use the liquid as a massage oil - that is how the product was being marketed. It was $25.00 for a 12oz candle and they advertised it to burn for 180 hours. They were adament about there being no wax in this candle. Does this seem plausible?

    I have been reading the posts on the new wax from Golden - there is a lot of good info about "healthy" candles on that thread as well.

    Do any of you have any information on the products from Candlewealth? It is an MLM but they say that their candle making supplies are awesome.

    Thanks again for all of your help. These threads are very informative!

  2. Hello,

    I am new to this site and this is my first post. I am still in the product research phase but I am getting so confused! Are the 100% soy waxes really 100% soy and are they really natural? As the oil is being extracted from the bean are there not chemicals involved in this process. What about pesticides? Then there are the soy blends - some companies advertise soy with botanical oils or soy with other natural waxes. What does this mean, and how do you know what you are really getting. I have also come across several companies advertising soy "Oil" candles vs soy "wax" candles. They say that this candle is 100% wax free. What type of a product would they be using for this?

    Also what about the fragrence oils? Is there really such a thing as a "natural" fragrence oil? What does it really mean when they are advertised as pure or premium? I have read that many FO are petro based. Should I just be looking for scents that have a soybean oil base? Is there a company that you could reccommend as having the most realistic scents that are as "natural" as possible?

    I guess that I would have to ask the same questions for the dyes. I know that to be as pure as possible, I would have to have a soy wax candle with no scent or dyes, but that is just boring. What dyes would you folks consider to be the safest to use from a health standpoint? Which dyes would you stay away from?

    What is the difference between using 100% cotton wicks vs 100% hemp wicks?

    My ultimate goal would be to come up with an excellent quality candle that was as "healthy" as possible. I'm just afraid of jumping on this "natural" soy candle bandwagon if there is really no such animal. Sorry for all of the questions but it's just difficult to know what to believe. Thanks in advance

    for all of your imput.:)

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