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Lady Teacup

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Posts posted by Lady Teacup

  1. On 12/28/2013 at 10:42 AM, Vicky_CO said:

    These questions were originally posted by laurenscandlebakery in a get to know you thread. So please start your own thread and let us get to know you. Only answer the questions you are comfortable. I personally will never tell you how old I am. :)These are only suggestive questions not required.



    What's your name? Pam

    How old are you? 50's

    Where do you live? Lancaster County, PA

    How long have you been making candles/soap/whatever? 1 year

    How did you get started making candles/soap/whatever? Making my own candles and soaps assured quality and I know the ingredients. 

    Are you married? Any kids? Yes, yes, and I enjoy my grandbabies when they come to visit.

    If candle/Soap making isn't your primary job, what do you do? I am a nurse. I do care coordination for individuals with developmental disabilities. 

    Anything else we should know? My MIL (with dementia) came to live with us last spring. Soap and candle making provides me a way to work through stress, and gives me some fun things to concentrate on. 





    You do not have to be a new member to introduce yourself.


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