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Posts posted by cincin

  1. On 3/8/2021 at 8:36 AM, Dee ZA said:

    Hi Everyone


    I am hoping to get some assistance on this matter, because I am truly at my wits end.


    I have been working with Naturewax C3 for use in molds. I know that it's a container wax and not best suited for the purpose, however I have managed to bypass the softness issue. The issue I cannot seem to get rid of is FROSTING!!!


    I have tried testing and pouring at so many temperatures that I do not even recall all these. I mix the C-3 with fully refined paraffin in my molds and do a ratio of 70% Soy 30% fully refined paraffin. The frosting still persists. 


    So for example: 112g Soy Wax with 48g Paraffin (mold fills 160g wax)


    I then mixed the C-3 with beeswax at 10- 15% and the frosting still persists.


    So for example: 144g Soy Wax with 10g Beeswax (mold fills 160g wax)


    Could someone pleeeeeease tell me what I am doing wrong. Which temperature, method, etc will work best with these molds. Thank you

    Hi! Wondering if you ever figured out this issue? Would really appreciate any advice!

  2. On 6/13/2020 at 7:22 AM, Allyparker92 said:

    ahhhh so frustrating. So I'm using soy wax C3. Pouring at about 130-160 Fahrenheit and leaving for 24 hours...yet when I take them out there are chunks stuck to the mould and crumbling. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Heard other people have used c3 with no problem 

    Ahh, I am having the same problem with my box of c3 and silicone molds. Did you happen to find a solution? I’ve tried what feels like everything 🤯 appreciate any advice!

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