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Posts posted by Jennescence

  1. 1 minute ago, TallTayl said:


    I ran the details above through soapcalc.net.



    assuming your KOH was “good”, and that it fully dissolved in the glycerin, it looks like the glycerin may have been a bit on the high side.  Not a bad thing, just makes the paste a bit looser.


    I would test a bit separated out of the main batch with phenolphthalein to make sure it is done saponifying and just let it cool. It will continue to sap as it cools. Many of us are successful cold processing the liquid soap paste, it just takes longer. 🤗

    when I make liquid soap, I tend to use half water and half glycerin (if using glycerin) because glycerin alone never seems to work like that magical video made by an old soaping friend from the old Dish Forum.  

    Oh thank you so much! Yes I got the recipe from a YouTube video lol. Hers made paste super fast. 

    I've turned it off and walked away for a bit outta frustration 🙃 I will test like you said but I can only do clarity or ph strips atm. So hopefully that will work. Thank you again 💓

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  2. I'm so sorry, I can't find the liquid soap thread. But I am making my first liquid soap base and it won't turn to the taffy stage. It's been 6 hours now :( My recipe is as follows:

    4 oz coconut oil

    12 oz Olive oil

    10.40 oz glycerine mixed with

    3.48 oz KOH 90%


    I mixed the glycerine and koh together until the koh dissolved. Then added to my melted oils in my crock pot. Stick blended until trace. Got the bubbles in the air and everything. Put the lid on. Left on low heat. Every 30 minutes going back to blend and it looks like the picture below. 

    It's not getting thicker :( idk what to do from here. 


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