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Paraffin Princess

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Posts posted by Paraffin Princess

  1. I had a customer request patchouli and opium candles. I don't carry either in my line, so had to order where I could get both. I got them both from Nature's Garden, but they were such mild fragrances. I was under the impression that Patchouli is usually relatively strong. They both had hardly any smell oob or ct/ht. I sent them on to my client, but she never ordered more or even contacted me to complain. I'm wondering if all fragrances from here are weak? Or are they just hit or miss?

    (I use 4627, so most fragrances come out pretty strong.)

  2. It's so nice to be here, and feed another obsession ( knowledge. I feed off knowledge. Lol).  I make candles, wax melts, room sprays, and decorative gel candles. I feel like I'm in the minority using paraffin, so I'd love to help other paraffin users, or "un-taboo" paraffin if I can.

    I've been married for 26 years, have 3 kids, and 4 grandbabies. I've been a stay at home mom my whole married life and decided 3 years ago I'd fill my time with candle making. I love every minute of it. I'm very glad to be here and meet everyone.

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