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Posts posted by LisaDD

  1. On 9/11/2020 at 2:11 PM, candleshiba said:

    Hi folks! I was wondering if anyone could shed light into why certain soaps clog the tub?


    A few years ago I was gifted a lavender handmade soap that was so wonderful that I tried to recreate it. I purchased some M&P base from bulk apothecary (honestly can't remember which one), and added some lavender into it. I think I let it cure for a week or 2, but I noticed that after using the soap, my tub was slowly getting more and more clogged. After that experience I sort of ran away from soap making.


    I'd like to pick it back up again and stick with M&P because I'm a total newbie, but was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction? The amazing lavender soap that i was gifted had none of those clogging properties!


    I believe it’s the botanical additives you added. Soap will create a thick scum, but in bath bombs, soaps, I try to stay away from botanical additives. They don’t dissolve, and catch on hair and soap scum will build up in your pipes and anything going down your pipes will catch and build clogs. But people 

    love it. Also be careful in using certain materials, because they will rot, like petals.

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