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Posts posted by chloe

  1. Hi Tom,

    I am from London so I know your pain !

    You can contact your local Trading Standards dept or go on their business website and they can help  - there is also  a section on candles & diffusers that covers the  basics on their business website . Basically all E.O's come with a Safety Data Sheet and if you look , it will tell you the % of any allergens within it . along with hazard statements , severity & pictograms required. All companies have to share  these with you. Depending on potency of allergen , you need to state it if it is more than 1% or 0.1% ( more potent) within your" mixture" There is a 1300 page document 🤪 that has fried my brain on  REACH / ECHA. However  if like me you are not a natural chemist or enjoy that sort of thing ,there are companies  - Candle shack I think do it for not too much money £25 per blend I think , it is probably a lot less brain ache unless your blends are very simple. Soap making forum - Soap kitchen & others that will break down the basics. It is very time consuming if you have complex blends and as CLP is a " hazard" statement  - i.e. you are making your consumer aware of hazards , it can be confusing because there are varying categories of hazard which are shortened in codes which you need to assess and then make some choices  on what is the most important to declare as normally "you should only label 4 allergens even if there are more (...."unless the others are absolutely necessary to declare "- these are the phrases that get me ! ) There are also rules on how you should position everything on your label too but that's easy to look up.  I was trying to do it myself and it is a brain twister ! However a simple blend is doable and best to err on side of caution. Legally you should be able to read your CLP horizontally when product is standing up but I see loads of candle companies that have them on the bottom. but I don't know if that would make your insurance void.

    Also just be aware that this is different to basic safety label that should also be on or part of your label - the typical " keep away from drafts etc.etc.

    Hope that helps in your decision making.


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