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Posts posted by northsky

  1. 19 minutes ago, birdcharm said:

    I think pouring at that high temperature is sure to produce wet spots. Did I read correctly?  You poured at 185dF?

    Oh gawd no I poured around 145F (sorry I forgot to mention that important tidbit). That's one reason why I got the smooth top and no craters. I added the fragrance at 180-85 so it would bond well. I read that you should cure soy wax for a week but I will let it sit longer. I am no rush to use them I am just trying to get good at the process.

  2. Hello,


    Last weekend I made my first batch of candles. I used c-3 soy wax with balsam fir fragrance (1 pound of wax and 1oz of fragrance poured at 185 degrees). So I have been watching my batch cure and during the week I have noticed some discoloration. I am seeing the white wax turn a grayish color. I marked one of the glasses with a pen and its slowly moving through the entire wax. Is this part of the curing process? I am really happy with my batch because each jar has a shiny wax finish on top none of the holes or other mess that can happen if you pour to hot. How long should I wait for the curing process?







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