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Posts posted by dottyp

  1. 19 minutes ago, NightLight said:

    Wick for 1/2 way point in your candle. When you candle burns down, the glass hold the heat in. So what you wicked for up top is very different deeper in candle. Now try another tester and wick one step down see if it flickers less and burn wells. If it’s to wildly flickering wick down again. Do you test candles 3/4 full to 1/2 find a wick that stops flickering then do a full candle.

    Thanks NightLight, I have not tried that no, will be trying this now though.

  2. 17 hours ago, TallTayl said:

    Flickering happens due to air currents generally. Cd, cdn, CSN, eco, htp and cotton core typically work well with C3. A lot depends on the proportions of your container.  If the jar is taller than wide the solution is different than if the jar is wider than it is tall. 

    C3 is a hard to burn wax that needs a bit of power from a hot wick. Cottonwood wicks have also been useful in some jars to give a wider flame with hard to burn FO.

    Thanks, I notice it happens more once the wax is half way down the candle, before then the flame is nice and stable, I understand this will happen as there is less oxygen to get to the wick. Do people mind the flickering candle if the can smell it etc. Am I trying to get something totally perfect but customers would be happy with as it is now?

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