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Posts posted by Primmelts

  1. On 8/22/2018 at 11:35 PM, Kerven said:

    I'm still convinced that Coco83 has paraffin in it. The MSDS even lists paraffin fumes as an inhalation hazard.

    However, I am a little confused by the spec sheet for the hybrid coconut wax and the MSDS for the "all natural" coconut wax. The spec sheet states "Accu-Pure 83" while the MSDS states "All Natural Coconut #83". Dunno what sort of confusion is going on there.


    That said, has anyone noticed a weird smell to their Coco83? I just went through my testers to see if I had made anything previously that might be promising to pick up again, and the one blend that I made with Coco83 still stinks. Very greasy. Like lard or some form of animal grease. Wondering if there's tallow-derived stearic in it. I mean, it absolutely smells like someone had been frying in it... or they reclaimed oils used in restaurant fryers to make that wax. Haven't used any FO's in it but I am a little concerned that the smell will carry over.


    The coco does have a funny smell to it. I bought a couple cases about a year ago and it still has a "off" smell to it. In addition to the  funny smell on the coco83 , we have used their accu-par series for years making melts, no candles. about a year or two ago the company moved its location in california. They were once out of Azusa and then moved to their current location. Something has gone wrong with their wax since the move. The accu-par 25 that we once loved for melts now has a horrible french fry smell to the wax and basically leaves it useless in candles and melts. We bought $2000 worth of wax and had it shipped to Ohio only to find the beloved wax had changed after the move. The company refuses to work with us on replacing the wax so  we are stuck with crap wax.

    I had another professional wax company test a sample of the accu-par and their opinion is the wax has either animal fat in it or it was overheated and basically burnt when pouring the slabs.

    Accu-blend says they do not use animal fat in their waxes but honestly their stock of ingredients come from overseas, i doubt they know what they are putting in their wax.

    I know that some keys employees left the company after the move . I think they were bought by another company and are now producing sub par waxes.

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