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Posts posted by jpcandlemaking

  1. Hi everyone, I have a crazy idea to avoid over wicking a vessel. Please let me know if you think this would work. I want to try cutting some of the wooden wick off to make it have a shorter width as the the candle burns down. I'd leave the top width as it is, and trim more wood off the closer it gets to the bottom of the jar. This would be done before setting the wicks and pouring the wax. It does yield some waste, but it would be worth it to have the perfect melt pool at the top and to have the wick burn cooler as the vessel holds in more heat as the wax level decreases. The burn would be more consistent and the candle would last longer.

    Do other candle makers do this, or did I invent this idea? It's too bad it can't be accomplished with cotton wicks...

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  2. Hi everyone, I am starting a candle making business, but I also work as a professional singer. I have read so many claims of people developing coughs and sore throats, bronchitis, and even chemical pneumonia from candle making. I am freaking out that these candles are going to end my singing career. I am using Candle Science's Clean Scent brand fragrance oils with American Candle Supplies Freedom Soy Bead Wax. Should I be concerned about my lungs, throat, and vocal cords? I plan on using this respirator: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00LXF98DQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and mixing/pouring in my open garage with two fans running. 


    I need to know whether or not candle making is going to pose a problem for my singing career as well as for my general health. Please share your thoughts. I am panicking a bit here. Thank you!

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