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Posts posted by Kimmie

  1. On 6/17/2020 at 7:38 PM, ErronB said:

    If you're not getting a good hot throw from 6006 then it's probably your process, I can't even think of a wick in 6006 that hasn't given off hot throw at 6% fragrance load unless it was miles too big or it was a fragrance that needed curing for a week or 2.


    The only thing I can suggest is making sure you're adding the FO hot at 185-190 and curing it for at least a week. Wicking is such a personal thing so there isn't really a one shot for any wax, I would try small CD sizes and HTP myself. Others would probably say LX as well but I've never gotten them to work properly.

     I use 6006 and 9% FO, but I heat to 180, add FO around 170-172 and pour between 155-160. I know CS says to add FO at 185, but I'm always afraid the FO will burn off. Also, on one of the candle store sites I was on, they said to heat 6006 to 180, add FO between 160-170 and pour between 155-165 or about ten degrees higher than when you added your FO. It's so confusing b/c everyone does it so differently.


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