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Posts posted by Aileene

  1. This is perfect everyone, just what I needed :) I might sell, first I have to convince myself that I can actually make the product though so I am going into it with the view of 'hobby/self' while covering bases, etc for possible future selling.

    If that makes sense....its just that seeing as how I've never made lotion, scrubs, etc (with or w/o bases) I'm not going to jump into the 'selling' mode. I may try and make a few B&B items and discover that I am really bad at it, or I don't like making them....

    Going in as a hobby gives me some wiggle room should I decide to shelve the whole thing (mentally/self-esteem wise) so I don't/won't feel like I 'failed' at something.

    This is a pretty jumbled post, but I hope I got my point across. Right now hobby, w/ a soft focus view on possible sales if it works out.

    I'll be recording everything I do, every step I make and listing the steps needed should I go for selling. I've read quite a bit about testing and the new laws/restrictions being passed (or written up, etc) so I am watching and studying what I need should I sell (or give as gifts even...but I'm a paranoid type lol)

    Thanks again all...these lists are perfect for helping me set up my workspace area.

    I know sanitation is huge for B&B do you all use gloves? If so where do you pick up ones that don't bag or irritate your hands? Do you use masks to keep your breath away from contaminating? I like using the clorox wipes, is that enough for cleaning purposes of the counter/workspace or would you suggest more stringent means?

    Thanks again and again,


  2. Thanks so much :) And yes I do plan on starting B&B the same way I do candles, one item/jar/wax at a time (lotion or scrub, votive or 10 oz jar, etc)

    Trying to do more than one would definitely drive me nuts and the idea of this is to have fun with it, for now at least :)

    I'm not sure whether it will be lotion or scrubs that I start with, I am thinking lotion as we're heading into spring/summer during the time I'll be doing my testing and I don't want to deal with some of the melting issues I've heard/read about sugar scrubs.

    Its just getting a basic 'hardware' list to cover set up that's been spinning me in circles lol.

    Thanks again,


  3. I have found all sorts of wonderful information on recipes and starting points here with the many MANY searches, so I'm not looking for any info on that at this point.

    My biggest problem is coming up with a starter list of items/utensils and hardware needed. I have tried to find a list of what I need to start with.

    For example when I started with candles I knew to have a presto pot (the idea/reality of it worked better than a double boiler, as I have my own work space) Pour pots, stirring utensils, small/med/large cups for measuring, jars, molds, wicks etc etc. some depending on what I was going to make (leaving out 'recipe' ingredients such as wax, FO, dye)

    So I want to venture into playing with B&B, specifically body butter/lotions, sugar scrubs (whipped/mixed type, not cubed right now) and bath add ins, such as crushed bath bombs bags, bubbly milk bath (salts?) etc. depending on the recipes I start with.

    I just haven't found any sort of list of hardware needed to start out with this stuff. Could someone/anyone give me a basic list of must haves and 'would be nice to have' etc?

    Thanks to anyone who can give me a hand with this, I'm overwhelming myself with all this. I have my own workspace, so I want to keep my B&B items totally separate from my kitchen and/or candle supplies (barring certain FOs and/or dyes). I am also avoiding 'bar soap' for now (M&P, CP, HP, etc).

    Thanks again,


  4. I am starting to branch out and am testing waxes for votives now.

    Anyway, I ordered some of NG's Bliss wax and it arrived today w/ some other items (votive molds, wick sets, etc) and the bag the wax arrived in apparently got some small tears/slices/holes in it somewhere before delivery.

    Now I have the granules stuck to everything that came in the box with them, about 1/2 inch deep layer on the bottom of the box (maybe only 1/4 inch deep, its a big box). And granules that managed to leak out of the bottom of the box when I brought it into the house and to my craft room/area before I realized anything was wrong.

    I managed to transfer what was left of the 10 lb bag into another box (plastic lined) w/o additional mess, but I already have a huge one as it is.

    Any suggestions on how to get this cleaned up the easiest way possible? The granules are 'stuck' to everything they've come in contact with (like static electricity stuck).

    I figured I should be able to safely vacuum the floor, but I had some glass jars, lids and other items...some I could probably throw in a warm oven to melt off the wax, but others are plastic and not 'oven'/'heat' safe plastic either.

    Also anyone know how NG handles things like this? I shot off an email about it a bit ago, but this is the first time I've had trouble with any shipments from them since I've been ordering...also first time I've ordered wax from them too.

    Please help?


  5. Thanks again everyone for the ideas. Sorry for not checking her for a few days...I've been hit by the lovely flu this season.

    I really do appreciate the scent ideas and even the renaming ideas.

    Although Scented I'm not sure how well 'yellow snow' would go over...but I just might do it for the humour angle...I bet no one else will be doing anything similar LOL


  6. These are all great ideas, thanks so much :)

    I just totally hit a wall trying to come up with something to match this theme after so many months doing these boxes and getting my fall/winter line together and out lol.

    Jack Frost is one of my top 3 choices for the 'mint' fragrance, but I've got NG Ice Capades on the list as well...they're a little close so I'm dithering lol.


  7. I'm doing a sampler box in January that has a theme of 'Blizzard White Out'

    I usually do two fragrances for the boxes I'm in. I've already narrowed down a 'mint'/'ice type fragrance, but I am running into a wall for a bakery/foodie type of fragrance that would fit the theme.

    I always try to put scents in that have the greatest common denominator for customers, which means that bakery/foodie seems to be a must.

    Any suggestions? I want to do something a 'little' different to stand out some, but not be sooo different that no one likes it as the purpose of doing this is to bring people into my shop/site.

    Thanks in advance,


    I make melts & votives w/ KY parasoy right now if that helps narrow down choices. Still testing container waxes w/ my jar choice.

  8. Thanks for the replies everyone.

    I've been pouring the molds in the various colors I use,

    and while the spiders may never be my favorite :) there really aren't that many and they aren't very big, so they actually make a good 'trail mix' of mini melts with the other mold shapes.

    Mini-melts and oval cups seem to be popular in our area...I'm throwing some clamshells out there to see if they stick, but not counting on it at the moment, so catching the eye with the 'themed' melts is important at the moment and from what I've seen, they do fairly well here, well enough to try it.


  9. I ordered a couple silicon Halloween themed molds from Van Yulay (and they look lovely)

    I got a mold for mini melts of ghosts, which I am sure will go well and a general mold of the hearts to try out for my regular line mini-melts.

    Then I got a 'mixed' mold with ghosts, pumpkins & spiders (I mainly got it for the jacks and the ghosts)

    Question: I am wondering if the spider melts will creep too many people out or am I over thinking it because I HATE spiders?

    Thanks for any replies, I don't want to put something up that is going to turn too many people away. (opening planned for 9-1-2010)

    I have a reasonable amount of my 'normal' melts/fragrances tested out and these are just my themed type I plan to add on for my sampler submissions and holiday.


    p.s. does anyone else feel strange testing fall/winter fragrance types during the heat of summer? I've found that the candy cane, jack frost, minty types are actually quite cooling lol.

  10. I've been searching all over (this site, google and every other place I can think of). I've been to nearly every candle supply company from the BIG to the smaller outfits.

    I am searching for two things: 1. a scallop tart mold that holds just about to just under 2 oz wax (bigger than the ones I am finding everywhere, from hobby shops to wholesale candle suppliers)

    and 2. a cello or poly bag to fit this tart and then fold over top to 'stick' not the zip lock style ones.

    In my searches I've come across a few who are selling this size (very few actually) and only one seller/retailer that is selling this size tart in that specific bag, but no suppliers are showing up for either.

    So either my search words aren't specific (or general) enough or I just don't know, but I've been searching for these since around April and finally have to ask if anyone knows where they might be found online.

    The stores in the area here (large though it is) seem to cater more to hobbyists over those who want to sell.

    I have one product ready for my opening in September and I'm currently filling word of mouth orders around my area with my tested wax & the FO's that made the cut, but would like to have another 'product' style just for variety, if that makes sense.

    (the 1 oz oval cups are what I currently make, so that is why the larger scallops are what I am looking for w/ the nice simple packaging...simple if I can ever find it lol)

    Sorry for letting this get so long, just frustrated I guess. I bolded the questions for those that don't want to read my mini rant/explanations lol,

    Thanks in advance,


  11. Thanks so much Candlemama, unfortunately that is kind of what I thought from what research I've been doing.

    I'll look into Lotioncrafters, I've just found snowdriftfarms and they seem to have some good information.

    I'll look into that book too. At this point I'll try anything to get a bit more experience.

    I know that soap bars are popular and people make/collect/sell a lot of them, but I'm not really a soap bar collector lol.

    I totally understand the 'addiction' behind it though, as I feel that way about wax melts, sugar scrub and body butter lotions :drool: so that's why I want to start there...I figure I should start with products I want even if I want to sell them (as well as my melts, candles, etc) in the future, testing will be more fun for me this way...if that makes sense.

    I am hoping with bases that I might be able to have a small line of products by next summer or winter (that's winter 2011 lol)


    p.s. Sorry for going on and on.

    I just want to reiterate that I am still looking for suggestions for sites, other forums, or books on B&B. I'd even take the top book (s) on M&P and other soap, because eventually I am going to have to venture that way I am sure.

  12. Okay, hopefully I won't get slapped down to much for this lol.

    I want to make B&B products at some point...actual soap bars don't excite me, if that makes sense, but I would love to make scrubs, lotions, etc. I want to start out using bases and then move from there.

    So what I am asking here is for books for a newbie to B&B products. I've made candles/tarts for awhile now (though I took the last 4-5 years off and am testing waxes again with all the new changes/stuff) so I am familiar with the importance of recipe and testing....

    I guess I am looking for a starting place and while these boards are awesome, I would love to find some books to augment it.

    Thanks so very much,


  13. Thanks Scented, I'll take a look for that one. I've been testing some of the other samples I've had come in and put this scent on the list for the next time I put in orders.

    I've really appreciated all the feedback and advice I've gotten so far here.

    So thanks again,


  14. So oob it smelled like rubbing alcohol to both my DH and I, but I thought it might mellow in wax (again, I use the KY Parasoy and usually about 1oz pp of wax)

    after 24 hours and even 48 hours I couldn't keep a 1oz sample (I pour mostly 2oz portion cups, but I use the 1oz scallops for testing first before I melt the whole 2oz, plus most of my testers have tea light burners and those only fit the 1oz)

    anyway, I couldn't even keep the 1oz tester going to melt the whole thing (and I use an electric melter with the bowl that they sell everywhere now days, so it doesn't take long to melt) the smell wasn't total rubbing alcohol, but it was pretty close. Made me nauseated and head-achy...definitely off my list.

    Are there any good Hot Buttered Rum out there? I am thinking of giving up on that scent and moving to a more eggnog or wassail, but I really wanted the HBR.


  15. I'm not sure how you would wick this one, since I am only working with tart/melts at the moment, but I can say that in my opinion this FO is as strong in my wax (at 1oz pp) as it was in the bottle for the melt if that helps lol.


  16. wow is this strong. I was pouring a bunch the other night and told my DH to pick one and this is the one he chose (he has strange scent choices for a man sometimes lol)

    I am pouring tarts/melts only right now and this one is now on its 4th day and strong as ever (after 24 hour cure in KY para-soy, heated to 165 add FO, cool to 145 and pour into molds/portion cups)

    I don't personally find this a favorite scent, but it is better than most 'baby' scents I've come across. Not quite baby oil/lotion and not quite baby powder, but a pleasant mix of the two.

    I was wondering if anyone found this a big seller, so far its the longest lasting scent I have tried. (I've only poured about a dozen separate scents right now, looking for at least a 48 to 72 hour scent throw)


  17. This is good to know, I just got my sample today and was going to pour it in the next couple of days.

    I'm trying to find a 'blend' so I need to actual IGC to compare in wax, I have it in B&B products right now (that I bought, not made).

    I'll try to add it hotter as suggested and cross my fingers lol.


  18. Okay I just (5 minutes ago) poured a batch of tarts with Caribbean(NG) & Rice Crisp Treat (NG) as oob the rice crisp smelled a little more like that cake vanilla base than the birthday cupcake...

    I am so not impressed with the birthday vanilla cupcake so far (I poured a batch of tarts a couple days ago, hoping it would smell better in wax and I'm just not caring for it at all..nothing like cake or vanilla really)

    So will keep looking for a vanilla cake scent, but I have high hopes for the Rice Crisp/Caribbean mix, its already pretty close in my opinion. I am going to see if it changes in the next 48 hours.

    Will let you guys know.


    ETA: I used a 50/50 mix of the two scents

  19. Okay to answer my own post. I've found that with the 2oz oval portion cups (not sure about the round, I haven't used those) that I have to pour a bit cooler about 140 and very very slow,

    then I stick a box over them, not sure if that will change when the weather heats up or not though and I end up with zero center dips..

    still get some dimples, but like I said the slight dimples don't bother me or my testers too much, its the caved in center that I was looking to avoid...Yay! for testing lol.

    With my 1oz metal scallop molds, I can pour warmer (anywhere from the 140 to 150) and pour speed doesn't seem to be as touchy with them as long as I'm not sloppy with it lol.

    With the most recent batch (just poured 5 minutes ago) I tried out a couple of the 1oz oval portion cups to see if they take more after the scallop molds or the 2oz cups.

    I am ordering some of the 1 oz clear ovals from a co-op here to try out with colors, as everything I've been pour is 'natural' in color scope as the dyes are starting to intimidate me lol.


  20. I am testing out the KY parasoy votive/tart blend and I'm pouring into the 2oz black oval portion cups.

    First time out I used 1.5oz Santa's Whiskers (KY) and 1lb wax (all weighed out) I melted to 165 in my presto pot then put the melted wax in my pour pot w/ the FO (no color or other additives) & mixed, mixed, mixed then poured at about 150.

    I ended up with not only dimples, which I kind of expected from my reading, but with a little dip in the center.

    So...2nd time, I used 1.5oz Mandarin Coconut (KY) & 1lb wax (weighed out again) heated again to 165 and then poured into the pour pot with FO. I let cool until 140 and then poured super slow.

    This time my dips weren't as bad, but still there (along w/ the dimples) I also ended up pouring 2 of the metal scallops for a tea light tester I have. The scallops had no dips and one of the portion cups that I only filled 3/4 full had no dips or dimples.

    I was wondering if maybe they were cooling too fast on the outside portion, or if I need to pour even cooler...I'm stumped. I'm planning to pour again tonight so I wanted to see if anyone had any suggestions. I don't mind the dimples all that much, but the dips in the center aren't very attractive, even in uncolored wax.

    The scent throw for both has been excellent at the 24 hour mark (where I melt the first one) both CT and the melted throw (HT? lol) is really good. Filling up our whole downstairs area. SW lasted for about 2 1/2-3 days. I am just now melting MC and so far its giving just as good a throw as SW, but I am now timing to see how long it lasts.

    Thanks in advance,


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