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Jojo’ Gifts

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Posts posted by Jojo’ Gifts

  1. Hi Fairymoon


    Thank you for your reply, it’s so frustrating as first two days they look great and the odour and burn is fantastic but as this batch has been left longer as customer not collecting them yet I looked at them and thought omg what has happened. There’s so little about this problem on internet and my wax supplier was no use lol. Felt like throwing the towel in but will not give in! I will try your suggestions and do one with out and one with less Vybar to see if any difference. I’ve made a Paraffin/Soy 70/30 today to see how that goes as I love the finish. Watch this space...thank you so much for taking the time to reply.


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  2. Hi

    Yes I sent them pictures and they were so confused and recommend I do the double pour instead of using heat gun but can’t see what difference this would make.


    with regards to stearic acid I’ve read a post that a lady tried it and it didn’t work...it’s so dam annoying as fine for first couple of days just when fully dried it seems to appear.

  3. Hi


    I am at my wits end with my Paraffin Container Candles...as you can see from the picture I’m getting something called fingernailing!!! I use standard Paraffin wax with a touch of Vybar for scent throw. I’ve checked my Melt temps and pour temps and they are spot on. I add 1% FO per pound and pour at required temp. I leave to cool and shrink, then use a hot air gun to melt the top so it fills the shrinkage gaps and leave. Everything looks great until 3 days later and this happens.....please help as costing me a fortune. Many thanks Jo


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