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Chandlery girl

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Posts posted by Chandlery girl

  1. I just started using millennium. I got a 50 pound case for 100 bucks I don't know why lol. I always used 464.. but I got so sick of the bubbles and frosting. I mastered scent throw in 464 though, with candle cocoon FO.. their oil is very concentrated. In 464, in most of candle cocoons oils I need less than .5oz per pound.I also use 2 oils from a place called theplace4candles. Patchouli and Apple cobbler, I use 1 oz pp. People smell the oils on me when I walk outside!!! Anyhow, with millenium I'm still testing with no avail. I have a good feeling about today though. I weighed out a pound, I found you need MORE than a pound if you are using 8oz jar since you MUST POUR THIS WAS WHEN EXTREMELY SLUSHY. My other mistake was not weighing. Also, curing. Millennium wax has a 3 to 5 day cure process. This time was my 5th try, heated to 165 ish, melted my dye chip at that point and mixed my fragrance at around 153. I added cooler last time cooler, but scientifically, FO won't bond molecularly at a cold temp. I'm not sure if this try will work. But I have a huge tester. Lol. Was trying to make 2 candles,but learning a new wax is a learning experience. 464 I can fix the frosting, wetspots,ect. And get amazing throw.. but it's time consuming... And I'm a sucker for knowledge... I ordered 10 pounds of 464 anyway since I'm opening an online shop in April which over 70 percent of the shop is candles and I need to produce.. funny, I order that w 20 dye chips and wick holders and it's 50 bucks then I look at that 50 pound bag I can't pick up (which I honestly think they screwed up and gave me more for 107 bucks and just shake my head. I'll be sure to post here at the end of the week

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