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Posts posted by danny

  1. Give her the name and do all you can to help her.

    First of, it may have just been a misinterpretation of her intent.

    Second by having that feeling inside you of even slight anger isn't worth it. By helping her you will feel great inside.

    Remember the evil you do on earth comes back double and the good you do comes back triple.

    Feel the music, dance, and smile, smile, smile everyday.

    Life's too short and too hard for everybody.


    :yay::laugh2::cheesy2: *super banana*

  2. Got this from Old Will Knot's:

    My Weigh 7001DX - Silver - Digital Postal Scales / Kitchen Scale

    Weight Capacity: 15.5lb x 0.1oz

    Weighing Modes: g, oz, lb, kg


    My Weigh 7001DX Silver has a 7000g capacity with 1g resolution and weighs in lb/oz, lb, g, and kg. This scale has a programmable auto-off, adjustable angle backlit display, hold/tare features, and includes a shipping tube cradle, letter holding attachment, weighing container, and three AA batteries.

    Great scale and less than $35.

    If your not familiar with the tare function, what it does is it allows you to turn the scale on and then put your bowl or container on it and push a button and it zeros out the comtainer allowing only your ingredients to be measured. Very handy, especially if your using different size bowls of different weight.


  3. After many mistakes, I prefer suppliers that ship their product in dark blue or amber glass, or even aluminum containers. I know they are heavier, but if your using a flat rate box, then the cost to you is the same.

    I think some suppliers use the weight factor as a reason to ship in cheap see through plastics. They want you to dump left over product and reorder every few months or sooner.

    I admire the supplier who treats their product with enough respect to package it properly.


  4. You may be running into a more aggresive USPS stance on air shipment of flamable prducts. I don't think the manufacturer cares one way or the other as long as they get their money, but the fines for shipping anything that shouldn't be air shipped are hugh, and many companies don't want to take a chance because the rules are always changing.

    Think you can avoid the problem by seeking out a more local source.


  5. If you're happy with your results....great, but several people felt they did not provide a quality product. I too received fuel smelling foul odor products.

    Every supplier can have an occasional problem, but it appears Wellington has had too many, with too many people.

  6. Just search for "essential oils" and your find lots of suppliers. Be aware, they are not all alike. It appears some suppliers cut expensive EOs with cheaper oils. You also have FOs that are mixed with a little EO, and then you have suppliers mixing EOs to produe a blend and you have suppliers and crafters mixing Fos to create new blends.

    It's not just a simple EO and FO world

    It's a constant quest to find quality suppliers with a consistent product quality. Always, always start with samples.

    Shipping cost have risen as gas went up. Try to find a near by supplier or one that ships flat rate or free or reduced shipping above a certain volume.

    Both EOs and FOs being liquid are heavy.

  7. I have it delivered in 6 gallon cases. Found a guy in the phone book under reverse osmosis systems. Talk to several of the local water guys and they should be able to lead you to someone who delivers. Most are small companies without web sites and you can only find them in the phone book. Sometimes they don''t even have an ad, but to them your a big customer.

    Make sure you let them know your volume.

    Around here (AZ) the main grocery stores also offer delivery for about an extra $5. Might be another option. I agree with you about only using distilled water for lotions. I even boil the distilled water for 10 mins in an alcahol wiped container hot out of the dishwasher.

  8. It depends on what you are trying to do. If you are using it just as a marketing ploy as presenty done by many large companies then it doesn't matter how much you use. If you are trying to make it beneficial, what are you trying to fix? Sometimes its easier to identify the problem and work backwards. The internet and the library have a multitude of info on natural healing. The world of botanicals is fasinating, mystical, and exciting. Go for it.

  9. Tex has it right, but make sure after the oil/cream is put on, the sox is put on and she keeps the soxs on all night. They should be white cotton also. Another idea is to make sure she is takng the right amount of insulin and her blood sugar is being tested at least 3 times a day. Sometimes when diabetics age they forget or don't care to keep as tight a check on blood sugar levels. If possible, have someone help and check her blood levels for a few days.

  10. RE: New Directions

    They have both a Canadian and USA website, and if you order from the USA site, you should only be paying shipping from the Buffalo, NY site. That was the reason they put it there, to serve US customers, but it is just a warehouse without hardly any customer interaction. The boxes however may have Toronto markings on them. They also have the right to ship from Canada when one or more products in your order can't be filled from Buffalo, but according to their HQ when this happens, they pick up the added cost, if there were any. If you were charged additional shipping charges, contact them in Toronto and I'm sure they will make it right. They also have offices in CA., but do not ship out of there yet.

  11. Hi gang

    I have a daughter who wants to start making candles for herself and her friends and was wondering if anybody knows if Kmart, Walmart, or any of the national craft stores sells a kit with basic instructions and supplies? Any advice appreciated.

  12. As you know, EOs are a world of their own. You can study them for years and still make mistakes, and they can be dangerous. I’ve used some from some of the previously mentioned companies and was very disappointed. Don’t think you should buy from a store either, because many have short shelf life and most stores don't know how to store them.. They are very complex. Some actually improve over time and become more expensive, like some wines. Each batch can be different. One rule I use is to never buy from a source that uses plastic bottles. Many Eos will pick up the plastic, or eat through them. Forget the companies that say they’re saving you money on shipping by using plastic. As far as expensive, maybe, but I would rather pay a higher price for a first extracted oil then a lower price for a third or forth processing, and I know you can use much less EO than an FO in most cases. The co-op previous mentioned for EOs should get started in a week or two and that is usually the least expensive way to buy, and I believe their source is newdirectionsauromatics.com a quality company with one of the largest selections. Although they are an Australian company, I believe they have a distribution site in NY that might be close to you for shipping.

    Be sure to go to the co op where it’s listed as gauging interest and let them know the type of EOs your interested in, so they will be listed. So far it doesn’t appear enough people want a very wide selection, but it still has a week or so before it begins.

    Also a good source of knowledge is a natural perfume yahoo group where they only use EOs and several of the members make their own from botanical sources.

  13. Seems like an easy question, but it isn't. You should only rely on professional advice. It depends on a lot of variables. What type of business you are, the state that you’re operating in, method of expensing. Many variables. Most CPAs that work with small business will give you a free consultation in order to win your business. You may not be able to write them off under your present set up, but may be able to as an S or C corporation. With today’s computers, all of the paperwork associated with incorporating has become relatively easy. Using software like quick books and turbo tax together, or many of the other good software on the market, you can even do your own corporate taxes and just hire your CPA for a once per year review before you file.

  14. I've used quite a few, what I have right now, but will be buying more soon is:




    Clary sage




    I hope your asking this beause your doing a co op on EO's.

    Yes I do believe in the natural powers of all botanicals. I even believe a cure for everthing is growing somewhere.

  15. The USPS had problems before when changes came about quarterly, now when changes come in daily, its almost impossible to keep up.

    Your best bet is to use their on line service which is up to date and allows several services besides correct pricing. You also have the right to see the written regulation, if you question it, in person. The Postmaster in the office should know this even if the clerk doesn't.

    Once your local people know you are accessing the on line site and have quick and simple ways to file an on line complaint, their attitudes seem to change completely.

    In their defense, I don't think they are given time to read the changes, let alone the big book, and I've seen it and it is a big big book, but it is imdexed and they should be able to go to any subject you have a question on.

    Remember it's a very stressful work environment or they wouldn't use the term going "Postal". This is not an excuse for ignorance, but you've got to work with what you have.

    Use their web site for every thing you can, and if you have a dispute at the local PO, ask to speak to the local Postmaster. If something is still not right, get their name and the pub info their quoting from and look it up on line and read the rule itself. If you still disagree file an on line complaint.

    Go to the business forum, I just posted some positive info on the USPS priority flat box rate under "shipping".

    Hope you get a solution to your problem.

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