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Posts posted by Alissa

  1. I've been using the 8oz jars with the HTP73 wicks and most often with the problend 400 wax. I've used different scents and sometimes I get a great throw but most of the time I don't. I've studied the best way to do this and kept notes on what I've done. Still, I'm doing something that's not working.


    When I try soy wax I add FO at about 185 degrees. 


    Thanks everyone. Please let me know if you can think of anything worth trying. I don't know what to try that might help.

  2. Hey guys. I've been testing the candles in my bedroom and I had the heat on usually but never air conditioning.


    The 1.5 oz didn't help, though some of the candles I've made with 1 oz that threw pretty well. Hit and miss. The scent was mostly Chardonnay with a little bit of forever red. Pretty strong scent and very strong tarts. 

  3. 8 hours ago, TallTayl said:

    What kind of wax, wick, fragrance. Any dyes? What type and size of container? How long did you let the candles cure before testing?


    chandling is as much a science as it is art. Quite a few variables work together to create a perfect burn.


    Well, I sometimes use natural soy (in which case I cure for at least four days but have waited up to a week) and sometimes I use paraffin Problend 400 (in which case I let cure for two or three days or longer)  I usually use a lb of wax at a time with an oz of fragrance and 4-7 drops of liquid dye (though once I made some soy candles without the dye - that happens to be a time that went well). I did try and ounce and a half once with the Problend because it has vybar and can handle more FO. It didn't help. I've used a few different containers but recently I've been using 8oz glass jars with HTP73 wicks, though I've used the Premier series too. I use FO from The Flaming Candle a lot, but also sometimes from Peak or Save on Scents. I use the extra wax after pouring candles to make tarts that usually work a lot better, smell wise, than the candles themselves. If you have any advice, I'd really appreciate it! I don't know what to try next and I'm frustrated! Thanks so much!!

  4. Despite using good quality fragrances and adding everything at the correct temperature, getting a good hot throw has been very hit and miss for me. Many times I end up with great tarts but candles with little or no throw. I'm so frustrated. I've been working with both soy and paraffin wax. Does anyone have any advice? I really don't know what to try next!

    Thank you!!

  5. Thank you guys so much! I know scents can be subjective but I just wanted some suggestions on places that carry strong, quality fragrances. I thought asking those with experience would be a really good thing to do. I appreciate the link to the thread with the survey of everyone's favorite shops for fragrances. I noticed some that came up repeatedly so I'll look into those. Thanks again, you guys are awesome! ?

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  6. Just now, glasllyn said:

    I've liked everything from Flaming Candle. I have about 20 or so. I like a lot of FOs from BA and BB.

    I had good and bad experiences with Nature's Garden. Some of them were potent and accurate, (coffee, chocolate, and leather, for example, and their Creed Irish and English Ivy are fresh and strong. Honey Bunny is nice, too. ) BUT, some were just crap. NG Tobacco Caramel? I seriously don't understand what is going on in that bottle. I was so excited about their Money scent. It smelled exactly like new money...until it didn't anymore. It now smells like...something. A thing that is not money. Then the cinnamon. Where is it? I can't smell it. Did they forget to put in the cinnamon part? Now, I understand that sometimes scents bloom once in wax or soap, but I've tried other brands of the same scents and they're delightful.


    Is this TMI?

    That's awesome information, thank you! I got educated and I got a laugh!

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  7. Hello friends,


    I love the fragrances from the Flaming Candle Company, but there are some scents they don't carry and I'm having a hard time finding another shop with different scents that has the same high quality. Where do you all buy your fragrances? Which shops do you trust online? I'd appreciate your opinions very much. 



  8. I'm pretty new to candle making. While testing some wicks (all too small) I noticed that after burning for several hours one of the wicks had actually slid over to the far side of the jar. The wick stayed in place until it burned down near the bottom. I've been using hot glue to keep the wicks in place and I suppose the hot wax must've softened the glue under the wick. I thought hot glue was the way many people kept wicks in place but now it looks like that might not always work. Has anyone else had this problem? Do you guys use the wick stickers or something else? I'd appreciate any advice! Thanks! 

  9. Hi all! My name is Alissa and I'm new here and new to candle making. I love book inspired candles and they inspired me to create my own. I've been testing for maybe a month now and it's very hard to wait for candles to cure! 


    What's your name? Alissa 

    How old are you? 34

    Where do you live? Philadelphia 

    How long have you been making candles/soap/whatever? Maybe a month 

    How did you get started making candles/soap/whatever? Inspired by book inspired candles. What a fabulous idea!

    Are you married? Any kids? In a relationship and living with my boyfriend. He has a daughter who visits but doesn't live here full time.

    If candle/Soap making isn't your primary job, what do you do? I'm disabled and can't work full time but I do some pet sitting and act in some educational outreach plays for schools and other organizations. Candle making is something I can do at home and isn't physically taxing. 

    Anything else we should know? I love to read, love my cats, love theatre, and I'm excited to learn more about candle making and fragrance mixing, and I'm excited to talk to other people who make candles! 


    Thanks for reading! I'm not fluent in forums so please forgive me any mistakes while I figure it out! 



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