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Posts posted by MYTVC15

  1. Hi again. 


    Talltayl my mom said something about the pyrex not being the same as it used to be. She had a pyrex dish crack once and she said that pyrex was kind of crap now, except not in such nice words.  I wonder why the soap queen videos use them to melt it.


    debatant I cant wait to see what you do with melt and pour. I am always loving to see more soaps!


    Its weird how i was looking into doing simple melt and pour soap for myself and it turned into this obsession of looking at peoples beautiful soap creations, AND watching how they make them, lol. Its just really fascinating. A new discovery for me: Soap artists! I've been living under a rock I guess. 


    hi trappuer. I think you said it good about just not being used to sponierbr's writing style, lol.  I misunderstood what he was trying to say. Sorry about that. I saw pictures of your candles and they are really pretty! You're really talented.  And the lady who did the pretty pillar candle with the colored layers, did you see that??? So beautiful.


    I think I am going to ask my husband to gift me one of the soap making kits I've seen.  Something all pre measured and everything. I am really itching to try it myself.  Scared though of the lye. I have a very small kitchen. I'll have lots of questions when I go to do it.


    thanks all you kindly people. Looking forward to seeing more of your lovely creations.


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  2. Thank you for the reply, and I certainly do not want to offend anyone, but I didn't really make soap. It came all ready made. I just melted, added some things to it and put in molds. I didn't do anything at all creative with it. It serves my purposes though. Maybe one day I will try to make it myself when we get a new place.


    oh and my husband was only joking around .

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  3. hi candybee.  thank you for your advice. i typed a long post last night and i don't know what happened to it. I melted the soap last night and put into molds. I did end up buying a glass pyrex measuring cup, like an idiot. that's what I saw the soap queen use and read elsewhere that's what I should use. oh, well. So I added ground up oatmeal to the goat's milk one, and just an extra touch of honey to the already honey one.  No colors or fragrance since Ill be using on my face and i am prone to break outs which is why i am doing this.


    I feel out of place here lol, among you serious soap artists. I don't sell soaps and have no desires to do that. Just wanted to find a soap for better skin care along with my oil cleansing method. I watched so many youtubers and read so much. Makes me want to try cp, but probably will not. no place to do it. and besides my husband thinks i'll blow up our apartment building somehow. I sure do love looking at everyones pretty soaps though. I have never in my life seen soaps like that before.


    You soap artists should sell your soaps on here. So I can buy them and display them in my home to admire, lol. I now have a weird fascination with beautiful hand made soaps! and even addicted to watching videos of people making them, lol. 


    thank you again.

    • Like 1
  4. Kelly - I look at your soaps all the time and they are so beautiful!  I love seeing pictures of the soaps.  So creative, artistic! I don't know how you do it. Works of art.

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    Thank you both for your kind responses.  I have read and gathered lots of info. from years past, including the additives list. I just not sure how much to add, and what maybe be best for my situation, how certain things may react, etc. but I will figure it out by trial and error.


    at sponiebr:  i ordered all of my supplies from Bramble Berry, as i wrote in my original post. I am not sure what you mean here, since I did post in the proper category, in the proper sub forum. I belong to several on line forums (non-craft related), and never been 'smited'. Maybe this isn't the best place for me. But I thank you for taking the time to respond.


    'Really? If I ask sweetly can we try to play nice?  Craft Server really is a wonderful place with genuinely helpful people. Including me (sometimes... well... rarely actually... y'know, let's just skip it.) OTHER people are nice and helpful here.   

    I don't know if you have been on other forums, but the admins of Craft Server are not going to smite you down if you happen to ask about a soap making topic the general soap forum so that the question isn't precisely under it's perfect little sub-forum.'.

  6. Hello y'all.  I'm new to making M&P soap.  sooo new, that I haven't gotten my supplies yet.  I ordered 2 bases from bramble berry and they should be in my hands tomorrow.  Just in time for the weekend.  I think I already screwed up before I even began, though.  I got 2 molds but they are the clear plastic ones. I also bought large plastic measure cups because I didn't have any, and I read to only use glass. I will have to buy a big glass one today.


    I have been reading this site for months now and just signed up a week or so ago. I am wanting to make my own soap because I am disgusted with the store bought stuff. I want to make a good soap for acne & blemishes.  I've tried every soap, lotion, potion, creme, etc. on the market and I am just disgusted.  I read all of the melt and pour threads, going back many years.  I think I just may be a little overwhelmed. 


    I am hoping you great experienced soapers will help me.  I would like to add things that will help clear acne, I just don't know what.  I can get oatmeal, but wonder if it will be too scratchy on the face.  I have tea tree oil but don't know how much to use and its really a strong oil.  is there some kind of clays that help also?? I also have sensitive skin and can't use anything too drying.  Its all such a crap shoot. 


    I bought the SFIC goat's milk base and the SFIC honey soap base. 


    I feel so silly after seeing all the artistic, beautiful soaps you all made!  I would like to learn cp some day, but don't kow when. I live in a small apartment and have no place to store anything or even a safe place to make it.  I have seen lots of pretty M&P made here though and it looks like fun too.


    thank you for any and all advice. 


    so who here can help a girl with sensitive, dry, yet acne prone skin make some soaps?

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