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Posts posted by SDM

  1. 1 hour ago, Scented said:

    We sniffed tested only between Amish Harvest and the Celtic Moon Spice and there's very little difference OOB only between the two ... In about 1 1/2 weeks we'll be making AH so we'll swap in some CMS and see. Sorry, no sample bottles here to do any sending. 

    thanks for the info!! someone did offer to send me a CMS scent sample so cant wait to see how it compares

  2. so I'm a little late to the game and just finding out that Peak's closed.  I know a few people mentioned some suppliers who also had Amish Harvest, but does anyone know if any of them are close or the same as Peak's?  Same name doesn't always equal same scent/fragrance.  Someone also mentioned RE's Celtic MoonSpice, but also mentioned it might not be as strong as Peak's.  Does anyone have a sample of Celtic they'd be willing to send me?  Doesn't even have to be enough to test with, just some on a cotton ball or something?  Feel free to PM me.  Hoping to find a dupe of Peak's Amish Harvest!  Thanks, everyone!!

  3. 25 minutes ago, Scented said:

    I can tell you that the owner of Peak built this company on outstanding product and customer service. I can tell you the owner and his wife are phenomenally smart, so I would look for that change to actually happen, because what's happening there isn't something that is characteristic of the company ... and I imagine those running the ship out there will have to get on board or find another luxury liner so to speak. 

    I have purchased from them for quite a few years and this is def out of character for them.  I just hope they get things back to "normal" soon.  waiting over a month for fragrances to come back in stock is no fun and missing deliveries for customers is even less fun.  

  4. 9 minutes ago, blt212 said:

    I also called and did a preorder on Ocean and Coconut Lime which I was told would be back in stock in a week and a half.  I point blank asked if they were going out of business.  I was assured the problems are still related to stocking the second warehouse and I was assured by the customer service rep should be getting better.  For now I'm going to keep my fingers crossed!!!

    thanks for the update and info.  I hope it will be getting better, but I had the same issue last fall so I guess we'll wait and see.  and keep our fingers crossed! :)  

  5. I asked about Sugar Cookie and Green Tea today.  Was told a couple of weeks for Sugar Cookie and longer for Green Tea.  I am needing both for fundraisers, so not sure what I'm going to do.  I used to never have to worry about Peak, but I guess I'll have to start looking for replacements.  I really like their fragrances, too, but it would be nice to know what's going on.  

  6. thank you!! will def check it out!!

    I like using coconut oil but my favorite lip balms are from a member here, Suzy's Scent Shop:https://www.etsy.com/shop/SuzyScentShop?ref=l2-shopheader-name

    They are her own blend. I have super sensitive skin, eczema, rosacea on my face and am reactive to a number of botanicals and certainly colorings (Red dye 40 is a REAL issue for me). I have to watch ingredients like a crazy person. Suzy's lip balms cause me zero issue.

    I am certain that others here make excellent lip balms as well. Sure hope you find something that works for you. I know how maddening this can be!

  7. I'm hoping someone here can help me. I need an awesome lip balm to help heal my badly chapped and very sore lips. I have tried everything, lipbalm, a&d ointment, lanolin, aloe vera, you name it! I do use retin-a on my face, so my dr said to quit using that for a little while and my lips should get back to normal. She said between the dry winter air and the retin-a, that's probably what's causing it. Well, I've not used it for about a week and still no relief. If anyone here would like to send me your websites so I could try something out, I'd really appreciate it. I'm sure I'm going to have better luck with something handmade than I am with anything else. Thank you so much!!

  8. Ok I gotta stick my oars in this water, on something no one has mentioned yet. Yes, it is more than likely a scam, but since you have emailed this person ( or just by opening your email ) you may have had a keylogger put on your computer. This is not technically the same as a virus, but at the same time it is. I know that doesn't make much sense but please, trust me on this. I was a computer programmer in another life.

    Anti spam, malware, virus protectors can do a lot in catching a lot of things, but there are things that I can catch with one program, that the one running before it didn't catch.

    A keylogger, is a program that gets dumped into your registry and it stays there until removed and its not quite as easy as hitting "delete virus" sometimes.

    It can, and will, record every single solitary keystroke you make on your computer, and this information can be accessed by whomever sent you the keylogger. They can tell any website you went to if you hit any keys, if you put in your CC numbers, it can read em.

    The hard part of being in this business is knowing when you can trust to open any email and not get hacked, but after reading this scam, and the other thread about peoples CC's being stolen, I thought I needed to pop in with an "alternative scenerio " for you guys to consider.

    They may not want "jack crap" from you in the way of products, but they may have gotten you to open that email so they could plop down a keylogger.

    And NO............. NOT EVERY anti virus program will catch them. Do a Google search for keylogger removeal tools , and use about 3 random ones. This is important maintenance for your computer , every time you run your scans, run one of these too.


    this is something I hadn't thought about. thanks for bringing it up! do you have any suggestions on good keylogger removal software?

  9. Considering you've only been making candles less than 2 months, my vote is that you go check it out, see what types of crafters are there and what the crowd is like. Even if you've been testing 24/7, you are still no where near ready to begin selling. I'm not trying to discourage you, but you really need to have all your "ducks in a row" prior to selling. Do you have insurance? In this sue-crazy world, this is a must-have. Again, not trying to discourage, just wanting you to be prepared.

  10. I agree about the hazards, which is why I personally would not purchase a candle from his boy. I just don't think that he is a little twit though. I think that it is great that he has such an interest and motivation to earn money. I admire kids like this.

    I personally would never buy one either, but obviously lots of people are. Just goes to show you how uneducated the public is about what goes into the candlemaking process and what a good candle really is. Things like this really hurt those of us who put time, money, and effort into making good candles, though, because they buy a not-so-great handmade candle and think that all handmade is garbage.

  11. Oh I agree, kudos to him for being motivated enough to want to earn his own money, etc. Most kids only want to sit around and play video games and have everything handed to them. He says he started his business with a $100 investment. Just hoping there was a lot more than that that went into testing, and like others have said, hoping that his parents have gotten the proper insurance, etc. Just found the whole thing interesting....

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