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Posts posted by SERK

  1. Thank you all for your valuable information. I'm learning so much from it and I truly appreicate the feedback.

    More info as requested:

    *The candles will be two ounces, all the same scent, no color.

    *These will be resold, but included with other products in a gift pack.

    *My goal is to be able to get 500 poured in one 5 hour day, once a week. Clean up and re-boxing would be done the next day. Deliver once a month. I realize this is ideal, and I expect to be hit hard with reality once it begins and will adjust my goal accordingly.

    *I would not need to hire anyone to help with this particular order. They expressed interest in eventually expanding their line and offering some candles to be sold individually. If this happens, I would probably need help at that point. Working full time is not an option for me at this point.

    *They had someone out of state pour their existing candles, but contacted me as they wish to buy locally for the next run.

    *This is a mid-to-high end line of products. They expressed they want to keep the resale to a "reasonable" price, but not "low".

    *I asked them to give me a budget to work within for my product development and they are researching container options and will be calling me with some numbers.

    *They appear to be flexable and willing to work with me. They are putting the product development in my hands and they seem excited to see what I come up with.

    *I have been out of the candle "business" for the last 5 years, and this would be my only account other than the friends and family that I currently pour for.

    One thing I know for sure, a lot has changed in 5 years in the candle making world. My prices are way outdated.

  2. LOL.. actually I probably will need an assistant!! I hope I'm not getting in over my head on this one, as they expressed an interest in possibly even expanding the line during their next product launch! It may come to the point that I have to ...hire? someone... wow, that was weird to say.

    Thanks for sharing your opinions. I love to hear all the different points of view! I was starting to feel a little greedy by wanting to be paid for my labor and not just my expenses... I'm glad to see others feel the same. :o I do believe I will ask at least $1 per unit, maybe more at first, then possibly go down once my start up costs even out. I will have to get more melters, buy wax by the pallet, scent by the gallon etc... No, I do not have to package anything, fortunately they have people in house who do their packaging.

    I would love to hear more advice or opinions if anyone has something to thow in...

    Thank you....

  3. If you made a candle that cost around 30 cents to make, how much would you charge? Would you give a price break for a huge order? (2,000 units a month is a single order) Would $1 per candle be reasonable? (This product is for a high end company who will have a large profit margin themselves.)

    Usually I just double my cost and throw a little in for labor to determine my costs, but I've never been faced with an order this big and steady. I'd like to hear your thoughts.

    Thank you!

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