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Posts posted by riannajaye

  1. Hi there, 


    I have been using the 16oz Anchor Hocking Patio jars for awhile now after the lids that worked for our old 16oz jars were discontinued and we didn't want to switch to glass lids. The lids we currently use for the 16oz jars are these- http://www.bulkapothecary.com/product/make-it/candle-making/candle-jars/h28-silver-cover-lll-item-z7845/ .


    We also just got the 8oz Patio jars (http://www.anchorhocking.com/prodd_4564_cat_95_patio.html) because one of the biggest complaints from our customers is the lack of size options/cost of the 16oz candles/fear of commitment to a 100 hour burning candle. We had considered it for awhile, but hadn't been able to find a matching 8oz jar to our 16oz until we started using these new Patio jars and finally thought, "Hey, we really should check if they make 8oz since these are nice jars." We snatched a bunch up since we knew they'd be popular but unfortunately we haven't been able to find lids that match our current 16oz lids that fit the 8oz jars. 


    I talked to our supplier about lids and she informed me that Anchor Hocking unfortunately discontinued making the silver fitment lids for their 8oz Patio jars, even though they still make them for the 16oz.



    The smallest silver fitment lids I've been able to find were 75 and 79mm, and I inquired about the width of the fitments- they are 71 (~2.79") and ~70 (2.75") mm respectively. Too big for our jars. The inside of the mouth of the jar, where the fitment would have to pop into, is ~64mm (~2.5"). The size of the entire mouth of the jar, from edge of lip to edge of lip, is about 73mm (~2.9"). 


    I've done extensive searching for lids that would fit this jar. Those two were the smallest I could find. If anyone knows of/uses any similar lids with a small enough fitment or a company that may supply this size of lid, I would greatly appreciate being pointed in the right direction.



    Thank you so much! 

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