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Posts posted by leenabug123

  1. well my dad was making a delivery within 16 miles of Community Candle so he picked me up a lavender there. Will let you know how my testing goes.............im going to mix a sample with lemon pd cake(i have one that smells like lemons and very little cake) , another sample with wild west(which smells like leather and mens cologne) and 3rd sample with asian spice. Im betting on the lavender and wild west mix................

  2. thanks for all the replies, I use lavender EO at night. I rub it straight on my neck, it relieves a mild headache and helps me relax and sleep. So sounds like the one from Candle Science probably smells like my EO?

    She did ask me to blend something with it for her, she owns a antique/one of a kind store and wanted a custom smell to burn and sell in her store. Kind of like her own special scent. SO I do feel like I need to add something to it to make "different".  I cant imagine what lavender mac apple smells like?! The lemon lavender sounds interesting to me. Well since Im wanting to make a trip to Flaming to pick up wax and jars, I guess I will see if they have some. Gibbs Garden is not to far from there and Ive always wanted to see the Japanese maples when they turn. If they dont have one, guess I will try Candle Science or Tenn, sounds like they have something I can work with. 

    What do you think mixing it with a leather scent would smelll like? 

  3. hi everyone, its been so long (couple yrs?)since ive been here that I forgot all my login info!. Cant even remember what name I went by before!

    I thought the closest candle supply place to me was Aztec so usually make a trip to pick up my wax there but have never used their oils, though I dont know why. I recently just found out about The Flaming Candle co which is within driving distance of me, so I want to try them soon. Ive used oils from BLuegrass, Kentucky, Community, Tennessee, Bittercreek, Candle Science, Natures Garden, Heaven Scent, and many others in the past 5-7 yrs. I guess the one I use the most is Tennessee but not enough to have tried even 50% of their oils. I feel like I have such a mixture of oils that I cant even make up my mind which I like best from where. Thats something that I hope to do better on in the next yr or so. Keep better records for my testing. I started out good, but got lazy as the yrs went by! Currently when its time to reorder a scent, I cant remember which one I liked best. Was it the one from Community? no, it was BLuegrass, then I realize, oh wait, theyve went out of business and thats how it goes.......and i never seem to pinpoint down which place I want to order which oil from. Like I said before, when I cant remember or decide, I usually order from Tennessee, I rarely get bad oils from there. And that brings me to my point it trying to find this forum again. I remember loving to read the reviews about oils when wanting to find a good fo in a certain scent, although of course then I ended up ordering oils from yet another supplier and adding to my confusion, lol. 


    Anyways, I have a lady who has requested lavender 2 or 3 times. Floral scents are one of my least fav  and dont sell well, so I usually try to steer them into trying my more popular food scents. However this lady insists that she wants a good lavender. I think she said french lavender. Well I dont even keep any florals in stock other than honeysuckle, so have not tested many at all.

    can someone tell me where they get their fav french lavender? and whats the difference between french lavender and reg lavender? Im open to trying lavender blends too. Her husband loves lemon and I noticed Community has a lemon lavender but no reviews on it...........


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