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Posts posted by Bel333

  1. Ok, makes sense. I use USA for both candles & melts to firm them just a bit. I have had the best luck with either HTP wicks that I twist because that flat wick drives me bonkers when burning or plain old Cotton wicks

    I actually prefer the cotton wick. Both wicks have some issues but where I live these work best, temperature and humidity play a big part in how a candle burns.

    Thanks kandlekrazy - may I ask how and why you twist the htp wick? I am interested to try it for myself :).

  2. I have been playing with EcoSoya PB in C3 as embeds. It does make me need to wick up, but the throw of the combined wax is super. I am right around 10% PB embeds to C3.

    Stella turned me on to CDN wicks too. Most of the time they are 100% perfect.

    On a couple of big, heavy containers i use square braid cotton primed with high melt point wax. One day i will finish testing square braid in all of my other tins. Sure would make life simpler :D

    Hi TallTayl

    May I ask what FO load your using? I'm currently using 9%. I was eager and test burned some of my PB & C3 blends abit early but found that I much preferred 95% c3 & 5% PB (instead of 10% PB) also I tempered the wax. The candle was firm and didn't pull away from the container at all so was happy :)

  3. Hi kandlekrazy,

    I love C3 but yes I require a firmer product and do not want to change wax as I love the C3. I am in Australia where it's very warm and humidity is very high and also I can only seem to find the suppliers stocking UA however after reading many posts on here it's apparent I would require USA if I wanted to use a hardener. Also I'm hoping it will help with wicking - or at least make it alittle easier. I do find c3 harder to wick.

    I have made a blend of 90% c3 10% pb yesterday. I'm letting it cure. The tops are perfect and CT amazing - let's hope for a great burn with great HT.

  4. Thanks RJ Daines for your input, yes for shows I am sure you start pouring way ahead!

    I did just for kicks and giggles pour a 50/50 mix PB and C3 Today will burn in a few days PB can take a 12 percent load and C3 6 per my suppliesr and her an 8.5 as most say is tops I poured it 12 percent in a 4 oz jelly jar with an eco 10........it looks beautiful and cold throw is so good I want to eat it, used Kudzu scent, I do have another kudzu with 8.5 and c3 only to test the two against eachother in different rooms, of course in a few days i may see that the mix is pulling away from glass so will have to see how it goes just had to give it a try as I want an all soy candle but with a really strong throw

    Can you please advise how this mix went for you?

  5. Thanks RJ Daines for your input, yes for shows I am sure you start pouring way ahead!

    I did just for kicks and giggles pour a 50/50 mix PB and C3 Today will burn in a few days PB can take a 12 percent load and C3 6 per my suppliesr and her an 8.5 as most say is tops I poured it 12 percent in a 4 oz jelly jar with an eco 10........it looks beautiful and cold throw is so good I want to eat it, used Kudzu scent, I do have another kudzu with 8.5 and c3 only to test the two against eachother in different rooms, of course in a few days i may see that the mix is pulling away from glass so will have to see how it goes just had to give it a try as I want an all soy candle but with a really strong throw

    Can you please advise how this mix went for you?

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