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Posts posted by Ron

  1. I was thinking along the same lines as Satin, Candle Nose. I was also wondering if maybe the fo wasn't completely blended with the wax and ended up floating, therefore making the candle stronger on top? Was there any sweating on the top of the candle, or mottle, something to indicate that this might have happened?

    Nothing like that occured. We are noticing that the wick has mushroomed the past two lights whereas before the wick had not.

  2. Is this half a candle later, in one burn? Possible that you have candlenose, accustomed to it and can't smell it anymore. Did you try coming back later and sniffing?

    We have been burning the candle for over a week at about 2 hours a night. The past two nights we have noticed a lack of scent coming from the candle. I even left the house to run an arrand and when I returned, nothing but a very very faint scent.

  3. I noticed several candles we made using Candlewic CB125 lost it scent after burning only half the candle. My wife and I made a half dozen 8 oz candles in a jelly jar using 1 oz of Mango-Papaya per pound of wax. The scent initially was right on for our liking, but about half a candle later the scent demished to near nothing. What causes this to happen? Is this normal?

  4. Tish,

    Thanks for the Sacramento info. My brother lives in Folsom, CA. I can ask him to pickup a load when he comes to visit. Oakland is a 45 minute drive (as long as it is not during commute hours :D )


    I will look into Genwax as well.


    I understand your pain. My mom has the same condition. Unfortunately, the strongest medication she can take is Tylenol. My dad told my wife that my mom cries herself to sleep many a nights from the pain.

  5. I live in the SF Bay Area and unfortunately we do not have a candle supply wholesaler/retailer in the area. That being the case, I have to order my supplies online and pay killer shipping charges. As a hobbist starting out in candle making, I am thinking that high shipping charges is going to, if it has not already, be the death of candle making for fun. Am I alone in this thinking?

  6. Hello all,

    My name is Ron and I am new to this bb and to candle making. My wife thought candle making would be a good stress release for me and less time away from home persuing my other interest, fly fishing and fly tying.

    I received as a Christmas gift an inexpensive candlemaking kit offered at one of our local craft stores. I gave it a try and the candles turned out okay. I would like to buy better supplies and tools of the trade, but we don't have a candle making supply store where I live. (San Francisco Bay Area). Any suggestions for a reputable online source would be greatly appreciated. I have looked up a few on line that seem worthy (e.g., Candlewic, Cajun Candle, Peak), but I figure it is best to get recommendation from those in the know.

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