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Posts posted by scarlett

  1. My wax is paraffin so I just wait a day or so before testing/melting. When I was testing soy and parasoy, I let those sit 1-2 weeks before melting.

    I did the control batch and believe the blend is ok.  The excitement was too much so I waited just a couple days before I tested.  Thank you so much!

  2. I read here about the importance of finding the right temp to add FO given your wax type.


    Cannot wait to hear how you do. Did you also do a control batch with an FO that you have done well with? That will help you know if your wax blend is an issue or if it is just an FO that is not so great-or not so great with your wax.

    Do you also let them "cure" before you try them or are they good to go as soon as they are cool?

  3. I read here about the importance of finding the right temp to add FO given your wax type.


    Cannot wait to hear how you do. Did you also do a control batch with an FO that you have done well with? That will help you know if your wax blend is an issue or if it is just an FO that is not so great-or not so great with your wax.

    JustaJesusChick I did not do a control batch.  That is a great tip.  I'll do one tomorrow.  Thank you!

  4. I primarily make candles, but I have been making the wax melts to be able to offer beside my candles.  I have not thrown myself into the wax melts like I did candles, but I think I might have some advise.


    In my honest and humble opinion....the wax blend should do what you want as a wax.  It looks good in the end, it pops out of the molds or clamshells etc that you are using, it is easy to clean up, it needs to fill the desire that you want in the end.


    After that, you want it to carry that scent as long as possible....obviously.  However, all fragrances are different and some will work and many will not.  So in the end, make the wax what YOU want and then find the fragrances that work with that wax.


    If you try different waxes AND different fragrances...then you will succeed in making yourself well and truly nuts.

    I'm already going nuts but your response has helped! :)

  5. Well, I have not used parasoy for a long while so I may be of no help. I do not use waxes that are proprietary to one supplier. Perhaps others who use these, or similar waxes will come along and help.


    I heat my wax to 190 and add FO at 185. It really does make a difference in scent throw for me given my wax blend.


    I guess that I never expected that all FO's would work for me. I have tested over 500 FO's and have just kept 40 or so. I wish that they all worked or that I liked them all. Or perhaps not. I'd have a huge line to manage!

    I add the scent when the temp is lower than the flashpoint. That is right?

  6. It can be discouraging! It took me a LONG time (and a lot of money and patience) to land on a wax. Once I had that, not all FO's work well with my blend. I only have 45-50 scents in my line yet I buy from 8 or 9 suppliers. Not everyone's birthday cake is comparable, as an example. I worked and worked to find oils that worked best. Across suppliers.


    May I ask some questions?


    What wax have you decided upon? How are you melting it? What temp are you heating it?

    What temp are you adding FO? How much FO are you adding per pound?


    Perhaps these questions can help uncover if there is anything that you could be doing other than trying different FO's from various suppliers.

    Its a POB and Joywax blend.  I am melting it with a double boiler.  The highest temp it is heated to is about 178.

    I add FO at 150 or below and lately I've been adding 1oz to 8 oz of wax trying to get better scent.


    So, what about a wax blend makes you choose it if not all FO's work with it?  Should I stick with this blend and just experiment with FO's? 


    Thank you!

  7. I'm getting discouraged.  My testing is so all over the place.  Can anyone help?  I have been testing wax.  When I find what I think is a good mix.  The next batch (different FO) - you can hardly smell!  AUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!  Is that how it is?  How do I know what wax blend is the best?  Or is it just FO strength?  So confusing!!

  8. You are only responsible for your product not theirs. I sold warmer I got from OBI, if one malfunctioned with in 6 month of purchase I replaced it but I did not have to even do that legally because I did not make the burners. The only thing legally I had to do was take it back with in 30 days. The burners I sold did not have a warrantee. I did it as good customer service. 


    I agree with OldGlory here their reps are using that as a scare tactic to get people to buy only their melts. Reps are know for a making a lot of claims that are not true they also are not held accountable for their statements. Which they should be.

    I guess I was thinking what if something happened to the warmer while they were using my tart?  Their warranty would be voided so would they come after me for a replacement? 

  9. Scentsy says using wax other than their can void the warranty on their warmers.  I am just wondering if we have to put anything about that on a label? 
  10. Expensive?  That's an understatement.  I have a spreadsheet I've used for a couple of years now in Excel and I try to not look at the total at the bottom.  I'm normally good about entering invoices for my purchases, but I don't want to look at the total so they are accumulating in a pile because I don't want to enter them.  Hanging head.

    LOL I am in TOTAL denial and I'm just starting!

  11. There are several places to get portion cups.  It's best that you look at several suppliers to see where you can get them the cheapest along with shipping costs.

    There are round or oval cups. I used the round at first and recently switched to the oval.  Don't use the polystyrene ones, use the polypropylene with the number 5 on the bottom.  There are several sizes as well, 1 oz or 2 oz is what most people use.  I choose to use the 2 oz ones because the price between the 2 sizes isn't much different.  You can use the clear ones or the black as long as they have a number 5 on the bottom.


    Here are some places that carry them online.  I believe Wal-mart, Costco, and maybe Sam's Club also has them if you want to get them locally.  Also, some of the places online sell the cups and lids separately, don't forget to buy lids!

    I've never ordered from here but I know some on here have


    This is where I used to get mine:


    This is where I get mine now, I use the oval ones



    I linked them all to the round portion cups but I believe each place also carries the oval ones.  I'm sure there are other suppliers but those are the ones I know off the top of my head.

    Thanks SuzyK I'll check them out!

  12. I also find that when you think the scent is gone - the truth is it's probably not. I have turned my warmer off, let the wax cool, and turn it back on the next day and the scent is back. Maybe not as strong as initially but still acceptable.

    Sometimes I think mine is gone.  I'll go outside for a minute and come in and you can smell it.  I think we get used to it.

  13. I think that's excellent. Same with SuzyK & Moonshine.   :)  There are plenty that do, though.  I think this is an excellent thread for the new sellers to take notes on.  

    Very true Marcuset.  I am a newbie and this thread has been very helpful. :thumbsup:

  14. Landing on a wax blend was expensive. What I thought I would go with is not where I landed after extensive testing.


    This week I have sunk all of my money into the "business' stuff. Annual insurance, an Illustrator to recreate my canoe image, Facebook and etsy cover images, all of the state forms and fees. The boring and expensive stuff!


    I would never make on my melts what I make in my "real" job. I wish that I could!

    What kind of insurance do you have?

  15. Yes, I guess you could say so. After I get my shipment (today YAY!) I think I'll have a final decision on my wax blend once I do some testing with it. I feel like I 'know' my answer though. I have not attempted to sell anything yet, but hoping to start selling soon. I have my website all ready to go. I have been only working on candles and wax melts so far. I am wanting to do lotions, lip balms, and maybe some room sprays. I do not care do try soaps. I say that now, but maybe later I'll change my mind.


    I spent a lot of my money on SHIPPING wax from NC to IN. That was expensive. I have found a closer place in January. It's going to cut my prices down a lot. Some of my other expenses came from the website I have and a new printer for my labels etc.


    I hope I'm being realistic that this will end up being something I can do at home and make what I make now at my 'real' job. I would love to have a shop of course. My hubby said once we get online and start selling there and locally from home that maybe in 6 months we can get one. Who knows. I'm dreaming a lot.........

    Wow!  Sounds like you have got a plan!  What software do you use for your labels?  I hope you get to open a shop - that would be a dream come true!

  16. Haha! Yeah, my tax guy just stared at me this year!


    Peak sells nice 2 pound packages of many waxes. It is worth the investment (sure, it is cheaper by the case but not if you do not like it) to order a bunch of 2 pound samples, play, research, blend, keep great notes and then buy larger sizes of waxes that work best with your system.

    I'll have to check them out.  I just decided to give the bars a try and went with NG since I ordered from them before.  The smallest they had was 10lbs. YIKES!  I have alot of bars to make before I can go to the next I want to try!

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