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Posts posted by soapwytch

  1. Ok, so Cara gets flack for posting about a transaction that wasn't here own so the original party signs up and posts to take the flack off Cara and being the original party makes it no longer heresay, and she gets flack for doing that??? I guess you really can't please everyone no matter what you do.

    Now, on the original matter. I too know luckymom and she is not the type of person to pass along false information. She has kept records and Gelluminations didn't offer her squat until the matter was made public. That in itself shows me what kind of company they are. No to mention their threat of slander. Sorry, but telling an experiance/opinion isn't slander. If someone went around saying you are lying, cheating, rip off artist, then yes, that would be slander. But no one did that.

    ((HUGS)) to Luckymom and Cara for trying to protect others from having the same experiance.

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