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Posts posted by pr0vidence

  1. Greetings all. New to the board, pretty much new to candlemking, just kind of getting into it.

    Anyway. I got some 10 lb slabs of wax from an online supplier. I filled a couple of mason jars and let them cool. When cooled I noticed that there's a large hollow spot right at the top, but about half an inch below the surcafe of the wax. I don't have a digi cam (but I can borrow one if you need pictures) But just looking at the candle you wouldn't notice anything is awry. However, if I press my finger onto the top of the wax, it pushes through and there's an empty air-hole in the wax for about an inch, then there is wax again, presumably solid all the way to the bottom. Does that explanation make sense?

    Anyway what gives? Is it bad wax? too hot? cold? anyone have this problem? Some skimming thorugh the forums didn't reveal much but I admit I didn't do any heavy searching.



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