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Posts posted by laineval

  1. Gracious! What was I thinking?! You are so right about Tarts! I have three children of my own! I really appreciate your input and am making changes today. My shopping cart is a wrenchh in the works , I know. I'll also be getting a photo of a Gift Basket in today as well! You have no idea how I appreciate your input. When I look at the site, things do not look right and I can't put a finger on what it is This message board is so helpful! Thanks again for your input! I hope you'll check it out again in a few days. E

  2. If anyone has a minute, can you take a peek at my website? I'm waiting for my turtle.com account to activate, so as to shorten my url, although itcan be accessed just by searching. I have a few glitches with paypal, but it does work! Thanks for your input! Some of you have really nice sites and photo's! Thanks

  3. I had an ad that was 3/4(approx 4"WX4"H run for a few weeks during the summer. I was hoping to conjur up some business for the holidays. I've been bombarderd with orders down in NY, but can't seem to get on the bandwagon here in Vermont! I was thinking of introducing some of my products to small gift shops and the like. We have so many talented crafters in this area, that's why I thought I'd try the advertising again!

  4. Has anyone had good experience advertising in their local newspaper? We have a small local one where I've advertised and unfortunately, haven't had much feedback! I'd like to give another paper a try, about 6,000 more readers. I'm trying to get my website perfected and I want to get people to go online and check it out! Any tricks on drawing more people online? Thanks!

  5. If your products are handmade, which I didn't try and find out first, I think you have a great shot at perhaps gaining some customers. Folks absolutely love the idea of hand-crafted gifts, gives them a unique touch! Sorry, I don't know what HI is about neither! Best of luck if you decide tp participate!

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