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Posts posted by scentsibility

  1. I tried both ways..I think that the adhesive is only dangerous when being sprayed out of the arosol can...however, I did take some Pam..which takes the adhesive off things..sprayed it on a papertowel and wiped around the wick and outwards..leaving just enough Diamond Dust around the lip of the candle to sparkle nicely. That improved the burn immensely. So, the ones I have made since...I just put alittle diamond dust around the lip.

    I also have been taking a heat gun to the candles I just made and then rolling them in the Diamond Dust..seems to work about the same as the spray adhesive as far as holding it on there. Just let them cure for awhile...you will still get alot of drop off, but they are so beautiful no one cares. My house is totally sparkes...it's everywhere...but, I always liked sparkles, anyway.


  2. Still trying to perfect the Razzle Dazzle candles.

    I'm using Diamond Dust ...and adhesive spray...if I really pile on the Diamond Dust then the candles aren't sticky to the touch...but the Diamond Dust comes off in my hands when I touch the completed candles. Here's a couple of photos...these are so incredibly sparkley, but it doesn't come through in the photos...they are green and red chunks, with white overpour..scented Bitter Creek North's fabulous Snowberry.

    xmascandlesbc7.th.jpgAny advice on keeping the Diamond Dust on the candles?

    dsc00145sy8.th.jpgdsc00148tu8.th.jpgAlso..I am not getting a great burn pool..using IGI4625 paraffin with Lx18 and Lx20 wicks..which is what I always use for this scent and size..is it cuz they are chunks..do I need to wick up?? I am now trying a flatbraid for 3 inch pillars to see if that helps.


  3. Ok..I tried it out. I sprayed the candle then rolled it in the diamond dust. Then let sit for about 4 hours. I also sprayed the top and sprinkled the diamond dust. I burned a sample for about 4 hours last nite. No problems so far. They look fantastic, however...I don't know if it is my candle nose..or if it really takes away from the scent of the candle. You know..spraying the outside...we really get a good cold throw, but this might cover it up alittle.

    Also..and this is a biggie...cover your work area when spraying the spray adhesive..and...wear gloves. I didn't..hahahaha. Live and learn. My fingers were sticking together from holding the candle while spraying. I saw spray adhesive remover at the craft store, but thought..why would I need that? Even bigger hahahaahahaah!!!!

    I went online..trying to keep my fingers from sticking to the keyboard and googled...adhesive spray remover home remedies....

    Did you know...Pam will remove it???? Fantastic...I just happened to have that as mold release.

    Tried to take fotos of the candles, but they just don't turn out well with my little digital. They don't sparkle in the photos, like they do in real life. They are very cool, tho.

  4. Hi,

    I have some friends who are interested in learning to make candles. Can anyone recommend a supply company in or near Florida?

    They would probably want a starter kit..that's how I began years ago.

    I am up north so my supply company is too far away for shipping purposes and costs.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    They were asking about soy... and I think they are interested non container candles.

  5. I LOVE: in this order:

    Vanilla Grapefruit


    Madagascar Spice

    Persimmon and Water Orchid

    White Plum Chutney

    Pineapple Mangosteen

    Peach Melba

    Cucumber Melon

    Mulled Cider

    Anything that you have used before from another company..if WYW has the same scent....buy it....it will smell better and have a huge throw with only 1/2 oz. per lb.

    Just FYI..some of the above scent smell not as good out of the bottle, but baby when they hit that hot wax your house is gonna rock!!!!!


    And, I am not sure where you are in Canada, but BitterCreek North is in northern Wisconsin so could be kinda close to you. It's about 5 hours from me in Southern Wisconsin.

  6. How do you do your marbles? When you add in color into the mold..what do you use?? A toothpick?? How do you get the color to go horizontally? I love that look. Mine runs down...goes vertically or just circles in the same place. I have tried using toothpicks, but don't get enough color..tried using the dye dropper and get too much color. Love your granite look.


  7. C'mon..we all want to know how to get one of these!!!!!

    Do you have a website??? I Googled Groovy Chick but couldn't find anything...would love to get a couple for Xmas gifts for a couple of girly girls I know...it would be the first time I bought anything for Xmas early...

    C'mon..let us know how to purchase these, ok????????????????????? :)


  8. I work with IGI4625 preblend paraffin and I have had 2 candles that split kinda like that..only mine split all the way down..as the candle burned down. Split on opposite sides...made one for a friend who sent me a picture cuz she had never seen anything like it,:shocked2: either. I am not sure what causes it. I have only had one other candle do the same.

  9. Already posted these on another site..sorry if you have seen them already...just trying to perfect my marbled pillars. the second one I was trying something I had seen someone else do, but it didn't turn out right. Interesting, but the dye rubs off on your hands at the top. Don't recommend that you do this at home!!! hehe.



  10. And for my 3 inch rounds I use LX 18 for regular scents and LX 20 for heavier scents..like the ones with Vanilla in them. Plz let me know how these come out with your testing..I have never used the ply that the other poster suggested. Am interested in which ones work best for you. The spools save you money..you cut off the length you need. The pre Tabbed are 6 inches in height so depending on the height of your candle you might have to cut the wick down and that wastes money. I like the pre tabbed tho..just easier.


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