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Posts posted by Rins

  1. I tried making different jar candles this time. These are mottled swirled ones. All of them are scented.

    Paradise Passion Scent (my own mix of coconut - yellow, tangerine - orange and red orange - pineapple.

    Home for the Holidays Scent (my own mix of Cinnamon, French Vanilla and Green & Red Apple)- for the red, green and white candle

    Spiced Candle - the 2 candles on the right are scented with - Country Spice - rust colored, Cinnilla - cream colored and Pumpkin Spice - deep orange color.

    Please give me your comments.

    Also, why is it that when I pour a little on top to even it out, there is always a demarcation line and you can see the division? I do make the temp higher than my first pour but this almost always happens.

    Rins :grin2:


  2. I tried making marbled candles - the two blues are marbled and the other one is mottled. The mottled one was successful but the marbled ones - well, lets just say that my powdered dye spread out too much so what I did was I scraped the sides of the bigger blue one so it looks like it has uneven lines. Funny though, my mom liked it the most. The smaller blue one is mottled and supposedly marbled too. It kinda looks like blue water with bubbles. I also am including pictures of the top of the candles. I dont understasnd why I cant even the top out. These blue ones just keep sinking. :shocked2::cry2:

    Also, can anybody help me out regarding posting this with the pictures as a part of the message instead of attachments? How do you do that?

    Thanks everyone!





  3. I just want to share some of my pictures of making a waxed dipped teddy. One bear in one picture isn't dipped yet. Let me just say that once they dry, the wax becomes flaky and comes off. Has anybody experienced this? I just find them to be a bit messy once they dry. Since they flake, they look like teddy's with dandruff. Personally, I'd go for candles anytime.

    Rins :grin2:



  4. These are the latest candles that I made. I cant seem to make a decent looking marble type candle because we dont have any liquid dyes here in the Philippines - believe me, I've called every candle store possible. The only one available is powdered. Has anybody tried doing it using powdered dye? Please help. Plus we only have 1 kind of wax here too - it comes from CHina and they sell it in blocks. There's beeswax but its quite expensive. Is beeswax a good scent thrower?

    Also, does anybody know what icicles are? I bought some and when I melt them and put them in a jar - like the one colored baby blue, it turns white when it hardens. I dont see the icicles. Its nice because it doesn't leave a sink hole and it hardens fast!

    Also, can anyone tell me how much vybar do you put for 1 pound of wax? Can vybar and stearic acid be combined? Last question: isn't vybar the additive that locks the scent in the candle? If not, what is it?

    I truly would appreciate it if anyone can answer my questions since I'm just a newbie and my materials are limited because of my location.





  5. HI! First of all, thank you so much for your comments. I really appreciate all of them. Now to answer the following who posted comments: :)

    for Eugenia - what do you mean by when testing those chunk candles?

    for Deb - The pinkish ones and the reddish ones have mixed scents. Since I made them chunk style the blue ones have a blueberry scent, the yellow ones smell like lemon and the red ones smell like strawberry. I poured a cream colored wax that had the essence of vanilla but the red chunks bled so this is what came out. I topped them with whipped cream made of wax and scented that vanilla and also put red drizzles so it'll look like it has some syrup - thats strawberry scented. The green and neon green candle have basil and lemon scent respectively. The jar candle has 3 scents: chocolate fudge brownies, oatmeal raisin and cinamon buns scent. My other jar (i think its in the other thread has 3 scents: Cinnamon, Vanilla and Cherry.

    Satin Ducky - Yes they are a bit thin but they are specifically made for candles and no store here has them so I use them. My candles have two wicks and the glass can withstand the heat. Whats popular here in the Philippines are pillar candles and hurricane candles. I do some pillars but I really enjoy jars more since the scent throw is stronger.

    Jdscreations, topofmurrayhill and michi - thank you for your comments as well. This batch has bright colors but the next ones are a little more subdued. All the candles I posted were bought by one person and he asked me to sell them in his Salon/Spa since his customers really liked the way they looked and smelled. Not bad for a first timer right? :grin2:

    Warmest wishes and many thanks!

  6. :yay: HI. I'm new at this but I think I managed to come up with pretty decent looking candles. :rockon: I'm very much open to comments and suggestions. I will be posting more pictures so you all can see what I've come up with.

    I also have a question: How do you do a mottled candle? Is there a special kind of wax? I really would appreciate any info regarding this. Thanks!




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