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Posts posted by sidlesup

  1. I used it for 6-8 months and loved it for the smooth candles and ease of us (doesn't get everywhere like the flakes) but I gave it up because the vegetable oil smell when burning was just too strong for me. Others may not notice it though. I'm the first to admit that my sense of smell is a bit off. For instance, about 20% of the perfume I sniff smells like it's "turned" to me, even if others don't notice.


    I now use GB464 and don't notice that smell competing with the FO.

  2. I'm in the same dabbler boat as you, have been making candles for personal use for about a year, but as an ADD person with lots of children and pets running around, I am more of a mad scientist type tester than a precise historian. :)


    With the 8 oz tins, does the ECO 14 not burn too high, and then too hot at the end? I find that I keep having to wick down from recommendations regardless of container (I also use large salsa jars from CS). There may be an FO component to that issue, although I do measure carefully and stay in the 8-10% range.


    I'm actually testing a CS 8 oz tin with GB464 and an ECO 8 right now. 

    It's definitely seeming underwicked 2 hours in, but the hot throw is absolutely delicious. It's a CS Hansel and Gretel and NG Eggnog hybrid, with a little something else I can't recall thrown in. (See: mad scientist.)


    I've given a couple away but only after careful testing. And then I don't pour for a month or two and lose the notes, so I start all over again...

  3. I've been experimenting with CDs, zincs and HTPs. I also have hemp wicks, but I overwicked a tester so much it scared me away from them for a while.


    I seem to have the best luck with zincs so far. I have trouble getting CDs, even when they cool correctly centered, wanting to slide around in the wax a little. That may also be a symptom of my general trend towards overwicking, no matter how much I comb this forum and check the tables. Need to work on that.

  4. Thanks Lauralea! I think I make testing harder on myself because I make these mad scientist concoctions. I don't seem to be able to try just one oil. So if it doesn't throw, I don't know if it's something I did or one of the 5-10 oils I blended. :)


    You mean the FO's in soy thread that's pinned? I need to look through it again. I think I have almost every NG fragrance made. Do you buy from other FO suppliers as well or stick with NG?


    I agree-I'd love to stick with the wax because it's gorgeous! (I don't color either.)

  5. I've read and re-read the older threads, but nothing new in years.


    Anyone still with Joywax? 


    I am making candles for personal use, and although I adore the way it looks and pours, the HT is inconsistent. I know I am one of the variables, but having only tested one wax, I don't know what's reasonable to expect.


    I was addicted to Tyler candles before I decided to make my own, and my HT definitely isn't knocking me over the way theirs does.



  6. A few did not stir in well. I typically get a cloudy look when I first add oils to my wax but after stirring for a bit, the wax becomes clear (I do not dye my wax). A few of these I stirred and stirred and the wax remained cloudy. When pouring into cups I could see a few wax beads in the bottom of my pour pot.


    Interesting. Thanks!

  7. Has anyone ever tried either of these?


    I loved both testers and bought larger bottles. The Georgia Sunrise, in particular, was a great, complex peach scent.


    But now, a month or so later, both smell too mellow or sweet for me. The Georgia Sunrise seems to be missing that peachy tang top note. All I'm getting is candy-like drydown.


    I think it's just me, because my nose is notoriously oddball. 



  8. So I'm the only one who organizes by type of scent?


    I have a large tub, and individual gallon plastic bags labeled floral, green, ocean, fruit, and misc (for bakery etc.).


    The bags are because no matter how carefully I think I re-cap the oils, there's a bit of seepage.


    It really helps me because when I go to blend a scent, I already know what components I want.


    Of course, I never bother to write down what oils go in each blend I try, so if I make a winner, I'm up the creek.  ;)

  9. I am in the mad scientist stage of creating scents for personal use.


    In March I made a truly delicious blend with Mac apple, but forgot to write it down. 

    I'm fairly certain it was a sweetgrass and white floral blend, (either gardenia or magnolia), possibly a smidge of ocean, added the apple for bite/tartness.

  10. Bumping.


    A local gift shop clearanced all their Tyler inventory and I got a gift pack with laundry wash, a small tureen candle, car air freshener, and large can of home spray for $15.

    I was thrilled, because I'm obsessed with their Kathina scent.


    But when I got home, the candle had a good 1/10 of an inch of FO on the top. And we're talking a 4 oz tureen. I burned it anyway, and it didn't explode, but man. Maybe that's how their HT is so strong!


    And If anyone's ever come close to duplicating Kathina, I'd love tips on a blend, for personal use. (I don't sell-I just dabble.)

    I thought it smelled a little like YSL Paris perfume, but I bought NG's Che Bella Donna, which they claim is similar to Paris, and no similarity to Kathina. 

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