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Posts posted by rusticwax

  1. forgot to add...we screwed up quite a few when first starting; I bought a presto pot and melted all of these down (consistent ugly bland color!).  I added some tarts we had lying around, some wood chips, and cupcake paper and we have a nice collection of fire starters now.  Those did garner interest!

  2. I have been visiting here for a few months, have learned a lot from you all just by reading, and really enjoy the posts - you all love your craft,aren't afraid to help others,  and it shows!  I have noticed that there are not too many candle carvers on here, though.  I was wondering if there was any specific reason, or maybe not?  Also, has anyone tried carving candles as a business, and if so, how was it?  We have our first show this weekend, and hope to start building relationships.  Thank all of you for the learning opportunities!

  3. we are having an issue with hand carving candles - after carving, we put a layer of clear wax on (same temp as the carving wax), then dip in the glaze.  It seems that the clear is setting up much too quickly and leaving runs in the finished piece.  I thought it was the glaze at first but it is the final dip of clear.  Any suggestions?  Our little adventure is on it's way and we are preparing for our first show, but I want to solve this problem before I get too frustrated.  Any help is appreciated.

  4. Hi...

    My wife and I are new to the candle making hobby and I have been spending quite a bit of time reviewing posts on the site. We will be making cut and curl candles (thanks, Candles by Jean!) and probably some scented as well.

    We are in Southern Illinois, and are looking at turning this into a full time business in the future, but for now it will be shows and festivals. Our little hobby has a name: Rustic Wax. Hope to post some pics soon as we learn how to cut and curl.

    Chris and Nicole

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