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Posts posted by sugarspunmelts

  1. Since I'm just starting up I am still in the planning stage of things so this is all kinda new. So you do farmers markets? There are a few near my home that I would like to do. When you do the craft shows or farmers market how much inventory do you take? I'm thinking of starting out with 10 scents and taking 10 of each scent and doing single cups, bags of bark and clam shells. Hmmm that would mean an inventory of 300 items. Is that okay for a craft show/farmers market?

    How many melts do you typically sale at the farmers market?

  2. I made candles 7 years ago and did pretty well selling to friends and family. I am recently divorced and have a lot of free time on my hands and need extra income so I was thinking of starting up again but going from hobby to business.

    While I have ZERO desire to do full blown candles again (the though of dealing with wicks makes my skin crawl lol). I do however LOVE the idea of a business in which I only sale "melts" or "tarts". I'm thinking of doing a bakery/candy shop theme and just doing bakery/candy scents. I'm thinking "Scented Brittle Melt", "Candy Melt Bars (clam shells)" and "Cups" (a play on reese's peanut butter cups) ie. Blue Berry Muffin Cups, German Chocolate Cake Cups etc. and wax melters aka "candy jars" of course. Everything will be packaged in Candy or Bakery type packaging.

    Anyways now to my questions. Is it possible to build a business on melts alone? I would be doing mostly craft shows and online sales and maybe a few "Tasting" parties a few times a year. Anyone out there save a solid business on melt alone?


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