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Posts posted by Amy

  1. Thanks everyone!

    Do any of you make a living at soap making?

    Im new to this whole thing!

    Ive been reading alot of internet info but I want some 1st hand experiences.

    Id like to perhaps start a small business, but my knowledge on this is not there yet.

    I met a woman who makes holistic oils and she said its very easy. I dont need the holistic part... just the oil part.

    Or soap! Im open to anything!!

  2. Just wondering what you all think of sachets. I was thinking of mixing EO and soaking a few cottonballs and use them for batting in a small pouch for drawers and closets.

    Would you us a carrier or EO's alone.

  3. Hi everybody!

    Im Amy! I just stumbled upon this board but I think it was just what Ive been looking for.

    I am a new mom of 9 months and have decided to stay home with my daughter.

    I have been thinking about making my own bath oils.

    I dont know where to start though.

    Ive been reading recipes but I wonder if you all can tell me the best place to buy my dark bottles and droppers. Is living essentials the best place to get my essential oils?

    What about grapeseed oil. Is it the same stuff in the grocery store?


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