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Posts posted by reginarn

  1. I don't know if any of you have tried this, but everyone in my area loves it.

    I take pine cones, put refresher oil spray on them. Leave them in a bag

    for 3 days (shaking them up each day). After the 3 days, I put them in

    a basket, put clear christmas lights through them. And give with a bottle

    of refresher oil spray. You spray the pine cones once daily or every other

    day. The lights heat the refresher oil and you can smell it almost all

    through your house. I just thought I would share this with you all, because

    you all have helped me so much.:)

  2. What scents have you found that do not throw in 4786?

    I have found that there are several that do not throw well.

    There are some that throw awesome. I have also used J223 and some

    scents throw wonderful in the J223 but not in the 4786. Has anyone

    else noticed this? TIA :cry2:

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