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Posts posted by Sanya

  1. Did any of you tried making gold and silver carved candles? 


    Everybody here wants me to make them in gold, but I never saw that anybody is making them.


    I tried to find a pigment but no luck, some suppliers told me that the manufacture have stopped producing gold and silver. I suppose they stopped as the product wasn't good?


    Please, if you know where to buy gold/silver, or you have been working with those colors a comment would be appreciated. 

  2. Mystery solved!!!!

    Had too much of pigments inside my vats! Way toooooooo much!!!


    The story is that my friend's kid wanted to help me... and several occasions... actually every time she came she put some more chunks of color. She hates black color therefore the black was only color that was working in the end! And of course her color is pink and she started with the pink. 


  3. :D I've been talking to others and they all are surprised to hear this happening to me :D 


    When things work, they work perfectly :) 

    When it becomes like this is like the candle is full of oil and then i try to push the petal ito candle it just slides away.... And the color is completely different - usually they are like vibrant high gloss and now i have it dull....

    Mystery... :angry:

  4. So, been doing dip'n cut candles for last 3y and everything was great.
    But now suddenly my melted pigmented wax started to be oily. And colors are dull, not vibrant at all. Water is attaching to them a lot, swirls won't attach to the candle.  
    I haven't change a thing -temp, wax, microwax, pigments all from the same shipment. And overnight,  first, one color turned oily, and a month later 2 more colors turned oily. One color changed during the day - i was doing the same candle already for the 5th time that day and slowly became oilier and oilier that at the end of the day i couldn't do anything anymore with that color.

    With the first color i decided to empty whole container and just mix everything again, as i thought maybe the wax is wrong, so i opened another box of wax and took it from there, and the other bag of pigment. No use. Again turned oily. I left it alone, as i wasn't using that color so much at that time.
    I used that wax from the same box for other colors which at that time turned perfectly normal.

    Any ideas why it's happening and what to do?

  5. I already have a tank! :) I thought the hardest job will be to find one, but at the end it was the easiest.

    Thanks for explaining me the difference between dipping and cut and curl. Actually I did get confused while researching on internet. I'm trying to make cut and curl candles.

    This first DVD from candle.fun, does it explain everything about how to dip, prepare wax, little tricks and so?

    I think that now only thing I'm missing is what wax to order. I can't order this from USA, cos it's too far for shipping... :( I need to figure out what kind of normal paraffin wax to use and then how much micro and stearin to add. For now I'm trying to make some dipping and curving with melted candles! :D It's still fun!! Wax is a wax... :rolleyes2

    C'mon! There has to be some experts in cooking good wax! :wink2:

  6. I'm living in a country where number of craft shops is close to none, and few that we have are more of school project format - asking me for a 6point star small mold 50$, a pound of paraffin wax is 25$!!!! Also i can't order blend that you use in Cut'n'curve from USA because of too big expenses. Thus, I'm forced to order a ton of wax as a min order (and still i don't know what i'll do with that amount :sad2: )

    So guys, i need to help not to order wrong wax in this big amount.

    As I understood for dip'n'carve candles I need next:

    - outside layers - blend of medium melting point (135°F-145°F) paraffin wax and 5% microcrystalline soft (150°F to 160°F). Here is what I'm able to order from manufacturer close by - please find attached spec. Factory is claiming this NPPWA class is specifically made for candle making.

    - core - plain paraffin medium MP with stearic acid. But i'm still not sure how much of stearic acid should i put in the base - is 5% enough?

    - glaze - as there's no acrylic glaze available, can i use something that can be bought in hardware store? Some sort of varnish maybe?

    In summary I'm thinking to go for 145ºF MP paraffin wax for both core and outside layers. I'm wondering if it would make sense to use stearic acid for outside layers in order to get only core to burn? Would this make it harder to carve? Can I increase carving time by increasing temperature of dipping tank?

    Please guys help me! I always wanted to make this candles and now maybe i really can... with your help :yay:



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