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Posts posted by JerseyGuy84

  1. Not really a good thing to do. You family and friends could still burn their house's down. you need to test every scent /wick combo.

    But you may get other opinions about this...

    Completely agreed. I'm definitely not going to send out any candles with zinc wicks until I've tested them. I've done a lot of testing on the LX wicks, so I'm comfortable making those for now.

  2. So I've been working on wicking my 8oz mason jars lately. I'm using 6006 parasoy and 7% FO. I've settled on the LX22 or LX20 wick, but I'm contemplating trying a zinc wick. I have a sample pack arriving tomorrow from Peak and am looking for some help. There isn't much that I can find about zinc wicks. I'm looking for suggestions on which wicks to start with. I've read that the 60-44-18 is good? Any help would be appreciated :)

  3. That makes sense. I'm very new to all of this, just trying to figure it all out :) I am actually considering switching to 6006 parasoy, because it gives off better HT. It seems like scent throw is more of a crapshoot with pure soy. I tried a batch last night, but there's no CT at all, which worries me a bit. I'm trying to let these cure for 48 hours before I burn them. What wicks do you usually use in your tins??

  4. Hi all!

    So I've been messing around with candles for the past few weeks. I've decided to buckle down and start doing some REAL tests! First up, I'm testing Golden Brands 464 wax with a 4" 5oz tin from CS.

    I made two candles to test LX and CSN wicks. Both of these were heated to 180, added 10% FO (it may have been closer to 12%, the scale jumped around a bit...)

    These pictures are after 3-4 hours of burn time. This is their second burn, after 4 hours last night. They only cured for 24 hours, but I just couldn't wait!! :)

    Candle 1:

    CSN 26 wick. The HT on this one is AMAZING!! I mean..wow. It smells up our bedroom, which is pretty big. However, the pool looks pretty big. Is this something to expect out of tins? Or is the wick too big? There is also quite a bit of mushrooming...


    Candle 2:

    LX 24 wick. This wick is too small, I think. There is almost no HT in our tiny bathroom. I smell it a little bit, but the scent is completely lost when I move the candle to a larger room. Also, I noticed a milky white substance near the wick, almost like seeing oil/water mixed. Is this FO? I can't tell.


    Opinions? :smiley2:


  5. Hello!

    I have just started making candles recently, more as a hobby for the time being. I have made a few batches using GB 464 soy. However, the scent throw has left a lot to be desired. (I made a 16oz double wick a few weeks ago, which has amazing scent throw, though)

    I decided to try using 6006, because I hear it has much better scent throw, and doesn't need to be re-poured. I am ordering some wick sample packs to test with my tins and mason jars. The tins are 4" and the mason jars are 3".

    My question is...which brand of wicks tend to work better? I'm ordering samples of ECO and LX. Will that be sufficient? Someone told me that ECO tends to burn badly, but I'm not sure.

    I have quite a few other questions, but I'll stick with this for now :)

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