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Posts posted by Brides-Elegance

  1. I didn't know that there was something that keeps paint from burning. I didn't even think about that. I do painting on pillars and hurricanes. What is the product? Mod podge is like white glue. It dries clear and is used for decoupage. One coat of varnish just isn't enough. You need two of the mat finish. My paint sticks just fine doing that. Please let us know how your experiment works out. Donita

    Hi Donita,

    I looked at the stuff she gave me and what she gave me, I don't think it is for what she told me what it is for. So maybe she didn't know what she was talking about? It is b Delta, Candle and Soap Painting Medium??


    Here is a candle I did the other day, my first.



  2. There are products on the market for doing this, however I don't use them. It is personal preference. People have found what works for them. I spray my candle with mat finish varnish....let dry between two coats. It gives me enough"tooth" to hold the acrylic paint. Then when dry I spray it with double thick gloss varnish. Does this make sense? I also glue rice paper onto the wax. Then paint the paper. On the one I am posting....I then coated the entire finished candle with modge podge and sprinkled on sugar glass. Quite the process, but I've never seen anyone else do this....but then again, I am the insane one. LOL Donita

    Nice job! Looks great!! I bought one white pillar candle today and two smaller pillars. I have a printed layout, I found online and I am going to use this pattern, I like.

    I have the paints. Now, I should use a layer of varnish first, prior to painting? I also purchase some stuff the gal at the store told me, that prevents fire with paints, to mix in with my paints, equal parts. What is modge podge?

    Thanks for the tips!


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