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Posts posted by candlesandwoodcrafts

  1. Yes, it really is best to double glass that sort of candle.

    I saw a candle in my OB-GYN clinic once and it was full of something like baby's breath or some such thing, it was hard to tell, but I know it was flammable whatever it was. No double glassing, nothing between the flame and the flammable stuff. I thought "oh gosh, I hope the clinic is here the next I need to come" :(

  2. Gosh I have just the opposite problem. Seascapes are all I want to do. I love them. :D The first gel candle I did was just straight gel, colored, in a roly. Then the next one was a seascape and I never looked back.:grin2:

    I know your pain on the bubbles though. Then again, bubbles make the light bounce and dance around. They can be a good thing. :grin2:

    I remember your "toxic" lake candle jazzbo, that was neat. :laugh2:

    Julie aka jwoodcrafts

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