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Posts posted by traok

  1. So we were looking at making an acne bar for my sister and have found several threads that suggested lavander and tea tree eo.. orange fe and activated charcoal...

    would the following recipe work ? it is a lavander facial bar basically with added activated charcoal .

    13 oz M&P base

    3tsp lavander infused Olive Oil *** ( Worried about adding this)

    1 tsp vit e

    1 tsp Honey ***********( Worried about adding this)

    1 tsp jojoba

    1 tsp glyeryn

    1 tsp lavender eo

    1 tsp pepermint fo

    2 tsp activated charcoal

    Thoughts before we dive into it ? Could this be better ? Are we spinning pointless wheels ?

    Thanks in advance


  2. I know its an older post butI thought I would add my THANKS TO ALL who put up their recipes and suggestions. So far we have made

    The lemon sugar scrub

    Oatmeal Milk and Honey

    Jack Frost Bars

    Goats milk Recipe

    Spectacular.. I was skeptical they would live up to the hype ..Ie Homemade Vs store bought. But my wife convinced me and im sold..

    Can we post photos here ? The jack frost bars look sooo cool

    Thanks Again


  3. So as an ex GA family we thought we were familiar with GA Red Clay.My wife thinks that she heard good things and I think its just compact dirt . Has anyone heard or know of any benefits of adding some to soap ?We have loads of family there with an abundance of red clay? Seems like you could dry it out and add as normal?

    I googled it but did not find anything specific. This may actually answer but thought I would ask

    Jackbenimble I know you use clay in your soaps and did not know if you experimented with any or knew of any beneficial properties.

    Lastly to save a post later.... If one wanted to rally newb M and pers or chandlers to swap products how or where would one do that. You guys give so much we just want to try and give back .

    *** We truly don't want to be "leeches" rather we would like to be part of your community


  4. So I bought my wife a few books on soap making last Christmas... (hmm and its September ?)

    LOL any way they are mostly focused on cold and hot process.

    They have loads of recipes.. I guess the question I am posing is can I convert these to M&P at this early stage .

    Like for the following example can I substitue the Lye for a GMB or White Base and convert the wax and oils to tsp or1/2 tsp ?

    1.76oz Bees Wax

    12.35oz OO

    45.86oz CO

    49.38oz SoybeanOil

    10.58oz palm oil

    24oz lye

    49oz deionized water

    Maybe I can look at it by % no I suppose not.. Or % of additives and have 1tsp = 100% BAHHHHhhhhh

    Surely there is an answer other than setup for CP or HP .

    Please dont give up or write us off. We really are dying and trying to learn


    *** How would this look

    1.76oz Bees Wax

    .5 tsp Olive OOil

    1tsp Coconut Oil

    1tsp Soybean Oil

    1tsp Castor Oil

    .5tsp palm oil

    16oz MP Base

    Would this be close ? Or functional ... Man this is addicting

  5. @Bells says Max 13% so we should have been WAYYyyyyy under that.

    Trying the dino out after I finish cutting the grass. Is there something I should know lol.. Cause if you know my left arm will fall off or Ill sprout another head...Wed be great-full for a heads up

    will post more in bit thanks for all the help



  6. Me and my wife would like to thank all of you guys for the advice and support this community freely gives out. we finally have found two hobbies where we have some common ground in interest and skill level (zero lol). (Amazing considering we are on year 10 of marriage)

    At any rate we made our first two batches of melt and pour soap .

    The first aptly named by our son as dinosaur eggs

    16oz Goats milk

    1TBS Honey

    1 tsp lemon zest

    .5tsp Coconut Oil

    1 tsp Vit E

    .5 tsp Glycerin

    .5 oz Lemongrass and sage FO (LS)

    The second

    16 oz Goats Milk Base

    1 tbs Goats Milk

    1/2 tsp Glycerin

    1Tsp Castor Oil

    .25oz Mac Apple (LS)

    .25oz Pumpkin Picking (LS)

    Sprinkled bottom with Cinnamon

    **Ohhh Im sure you can see the bit of silver on the soap? I assume this is the anti stick coating on the mini loaf pan we used. It wipes right off

    The first was a bit harder than we thought Any ideas on how to "Soften" this up ?

    The second smelled fantastic but really firm to. I actually used it in the shower this morning. The problem was about 5 - 10 minutes after drying off my skin started to itch. No rash no anything just a bit itchy. The FO's say they are skin and soap safe anyone have this happen or have more info you need?

    Thanks in advance for and help and thanks for taking the time to read this lengthy post




  7. I am trying two different at this point

    pint mason jar wicked with eco 8's

    4oz smooth jelly jar with 44-32-18z ( waiting on eco 4's to get here)

    I think the mason is a touch under and the jelly are a touch over.

    but they both come close to fmp within the hour per " hard and fast rule..

    Not sure if I should continue with the small jars... But alas I think I should make sure I wick 100% before moving on.

    ****IE - i do want a more professional jar but I figured at this point I figured easily accessible trumps cool looking cont.during testing/learning..and yes I know I will test more once I move to final cont.

  8. Sooo part of my wax efficency model had me pour 4 .5 ounce tarts.. this morning i thought i should burn one just to see if i can eliminate the wicm issue.... My offive is a 12.5ft by 14ft with lower ceiling of 8ft 3".. Placed 2 of the .5 ounce melts in tray... after 30m i hear did someone get starbucks.. after an hour i get people commenting on how awsome it was... now i get where did you get that and how much do one of those melters cost.... Now i know some say some fos just dont throw with combustion... but why? If you wicked right shouldnt it be the same? If so i should relook at my wicks? Hmm and why us it i feel the neec to hide this under the guise of my wifes creation..hmm the game is afoot.

    Pixie.. Imc....thanks for the come back i poured a cappacino mocha last night at 190 and stirred for three min... no frosting this morning.. hmmm

  9. So I ordered a bunch of samples during LS's sale a few weeks ago. I have poured several and am a bit disspointed with some of the CT and all of the ht.

    Now for the details

    FO mix temp 180

    stir 30 cw and then 30 ccw

    @ pour temp mix gently one last time

    Let sit until 140 (poured) 135 (poured) 130 (poured)

    3 different batches same scent Candy corn with a hint of Creme Brulee.

    And straight Hansel and Grettle Poured @ 135

    ** ALL off the heat ( ? though I melt in a double boiler with a pour pot and then mix into it. Can the temp of the pour pot be burning off the fo ?)

    Ratio of 6.7%(first batch) 6.25%(Second and third and Hansel and Grettle)

    For cure time

    A) 24 hours

    B) 48 hours

    c) 1 week ( to the very anticipated hour)

    D) H&G 48 hours

    The CT are okay but the HT are non existent. I thought candle nose but left the wife at home and went out for a bit came back in 30 and had ziltch.

    To make sure I was not trying to boil the ocean I burned B and C in our bathroom with the door shut. While I can smell it, it is very week.

    should I just chalk this up to poor throwing or throw more variables at it and re look at my process?

    Sorry for the very long ramblings. I also hope you see I have tried to do the leg work before involving you guys's.

    If you still want to help after all that and or I have missed some detail please dont hesitate to ask/comment



    OHH and I think my flame looks good within 15 minutes of FMP and depth looks pretty close to target.

    Sorry stats guy so I have logged lots of data. ** LOL if anyone needs and efficiency model let me know .So far it aint pretty LOL.

  10. I find myself in the same boat as you. So this got me thinking today that we have this fantastic forum yet we still find ourselves disconnected from each other.

    I am primarily a custom knife maker and what we used to do on some of the other forums was called a KITH or Knife In The Hat.. A small group would all make a knife and send it to another member in the group. This way everyone got a knife in the end. Now once you received your new knife you evaluated it and passed the feed back on to the maker. So now you ended up with a quality tool and the maker received valuable feedback( Not to mention we discussed this all in the forums so even those not involved might learn something).

    Everyone won and you really didn't loose any money.

    If there is any interest I could help form A Candle in the Hat funny would also be known as a CITH.

    Just a thought


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