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Posts posted by Secret-Beauty

  1. Yes, maybe it is the Coconut oil. And I think I am kind of allergic, because the itchiness made me crazy.

    If it is the CO, I'm so sad. wanted to use it in all my soaps, as it is also a hardening agent.

    Maybe it's best to try the CO in other soaps also, to see the results?

  2. Hy everybody.

    I have this problem, and I am strugling to figure it out for 2 days now.

    I;ve made a few days ago, Candybee's Coconut soap recipe. All measured as in the recipe.

    The soap wasn't lathering so well, and I Pm'd Candybee with this. I rebatched it, melting and adding some extra soap base. After few days, the lather seems to be a little bit better.

    But my main problem now, is that the soap is drying like crazy :(. I have this itchines also, and my hands look so bad.... First, I wasn't sure where is this problem from, but then, my husband told me that he washed himself with the coconut soap, and his hands looked exactly like mine.

    It's so strange, because using the base only with coconut fragrance, it's ok. I have a client crazy about the simple coconut soap. So I wanted to offer him a lovely soap, adding coconut oil, coconut milk, castor oil and glycerine.

    I must say that I am making lots of soaps with this base, using mostly colour and fragrances, and I have no problems like this one.

    Do you think that some of this ingredients, are bad? My only doubt is that I used Coconut oil for use in the kitchen. Maybe it isn't good for soaps :((((

    What do you think?

  3. Hy girls.

    I am experimenting some problems lately with my M&P OO soaps. The recipe I have from the one who learned me to make soaps (making this recipe for over 10 years now), is: 30 ml of OO per kilo of soap.

    But I encountered a problem: the soap is braking apart, it looks fissured. Why can this be? Do you have any idea?

    Maybe the quality of the OO?

  4. I'm bumpbing this thread again. I think this is one of the most interesting for M&P.

    I'm kind of new in M&P, still reading a lot, making lots of safe soaps (with given recipes), but wanting to make some great nourishing soaps.

    I would like to ask the old experienced ones, how do they "play" with lotions in M&P? PA said something about using 1-2 T per pound, making a creamy lather.

    Other opinions, please?


  5. Hy everybody.

    I was wondering.......about hot paprika in soap. In M&P soap. Can I use it, or it's irritating for skin?

    Maybe it's better to choose normal paprika (not hot), but what quantities?

    I want to make a soap that's good for flab.

  6. Wow after looking at that site I want to get me a case of soap and start playing.

    Fun stuff!

    I think it is sugar that has settled to the bottom of the mold also. That is what oatmeal does when I make oatmeal soap.

    Yes, when the soap isn;t cool enough, all the additives sit on the bottom.

  7. Pulling off the skin layer of M&P sounds nuts to me. Like Fairywren said who's got the time or patience to do that?!! I don't do embeds very often but never had to do anything like that.

    My trick is to pour a 1st layer, add the embeds, then wait a couple minutes for the soap to cool but not long enough to form a skin. Then slowly pour the rest of the base over the embeds to fill the soap mold. Never used alcohol doing it this way. The embeds then stay suspended in the middle of my soap. If one should come up I use a toothpick to hold it in place until the soap cools enough. Usually about 30 seconds or less.

    Sounds nuts to me also. I am never peeling anything off.

  8. I am 40, and I still like to eat and smell cotton candy.:smiley2:

    My son is 8 and he brags to everyone that he has a hobby making soap lol,..I just love that he is so interested in this.:smiley2:

    What's cotton candy?

  9. I make my shaving soaps from M&P and add 2 tablespoons of castor oil and 1 tablespoon of bentonite clay per pound of soap. It has a great slip and is a huge hit with my customers. I have one husband who buys his wife a gift basket of nothing but shaving soaps for her birthday every year 'cuz she loves them so much. :cheesy2:

    I bought a pound of the shaving soap base to try, but the ingredients were exactly the same as the other bases with the exception of some wheat protein added (and it was the last ingredient, so not sure how much is in there). I'm going to add my regular castor and clay to be sure.

    Hope that helps!


    I would like to ask you something: when I used Kaolin in soap, it seems that it;s drying a lot. Did this happen with you?

  10. http://candleandsoap.about.com/od/soapmakingbasics/a/natcolors.htm


    There's a couple of lists, and there are MANY more out there of natural colorants that you can use in your soap.. Many things come right out of your kitchen cupboard, or if you don't have them, you can find them at the local grocery store!

    There are tons of recipes here on this board if you do a search..

    Something very simple would be to melt 1lb of base

    Add 3 TBS goat milk

    1TBS butter shea, mango, or cocoa... cocoa makes the hardest bars

    1tsp liquid soap

    1-2 tsp fragrance oil depending on what you use and how strong you like your soap to smell.. you can up that amount.

    Whatever natural colorant you have on hand

    melt everything together and mold

    This is a VERY basic recipe and you can add ton more stuff and tweek it from here.

    Great recipe, even basic! Thanks!

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