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Posts posted by deanna

  1. I tighten the base with pliers, then put wick stickums on the bottom of them until I am ready to use them. When I use them, I stickum to the bottom of my jars and then pour my wax. I line them up 3 jars at a time. I use bamboo skewers to keep my wicks straight. I place the skewers across the middle of the jars, pull them up straight, and then bend the wicks over the stick - which doesn't put any pressure on the wick tabs. I have great luck with this method. Since I double wick all my jars I needed a method that would keep both wicks uniform. This does it!

  2. I don't know what the name of these are but I have seen them in the store. They are pieces of crumbled wax (some I have seen are semi-circles even) that you can scoop out and put in tart warmers. They come in different scents and colors.

    Can anyone help me figure out the name of them and does anyone know how to make them? I think it would be a cool addition to my line.

    Thanks so much!:wave:

  3. They make one pour container waxes and I think that is the way to go. I tried out 12 different types of container waxes (soy and paraffin) before I found the one I currently use. It is a one pour soy blend that works GREAT in the jars I use. It also works consistently with any wax and has never pitted or frosted. Try Taylored Concepts 50/50! It is the BOMB!

  4. I own a small shop where I sell all handcrafted items on consignment. It was me that provided my consignors with a contract. They should do the same for you. If they haven't offered and they want you to do it, I could email you the one I have. You can change it to suit your needs.

    My fee is 25%. I told my consignors to think about the $$ they put into materials as well as their time and effort and then mark it up 25% from there. That way they are not losing money, but making it.

    Let me know if you have any questions! Send me your email address if you want it!

  5. Hi all! I was wondering if you have any suggestions to the problem that I have:

    I have liquid dyes in amber bottles with eye dropper lids. They are about 7 months old. The weirdest thing is happening. It seems like the dropper lids are disintegrating because the dye is seeping through the rubber part and getting all over the inside of the bags they are stored in. When I use them, it gets all over my hand! Any suggestions? I love my dyes and don't want to get rid of them. My candles are still burning the same so I know they haven't gone bad. Any suggestions would be helpful!

  6. I have a customer that has some containers she wants me to fill for use on her candle warmer. They won't be wicked which makes me more comfortable with the request. My question is about how much to charge. I pay .99 per pound of wax and around .99 per oz. of fragrance. So do you think that I should charge $3-4 per pound of finished product that I put into her containers? How much do you charge for refills? Thanks!

  7. I think it is more taste and preference over anything else. Yes, canning jars are less expensive, but then you have the 2 piece lid to deal with on some of them. You also have to decide what kind of customers you are targeting. If you live in a rural area, and those are your customers, then canning jars may work. If it an upscale look you are going for, some balmorals may be what you need. Search the web for candle companies, decide who your customers are, and pick out a range of jars that will work for you. Personally, I love apothocaries. I use the 10 oz and 16 oz and find them very versatile. Customers love them because of the way I decorate them. I also sell 8 oz melts in jelly jars with daisy lids. I sell candle warmers for these (usually 2 sales at once). The melts are cheaper because they are less wax, no wick and less work overall. People like choices, but you are the ultimate decision maker - you are the one that has to make them and sell them. You will never sell one thing that everyone likes. That's what makes this business so challenging and rewarding, too. Hope this helped!

  8. Hello! I have a customer that called me today wanting to know if I can use a container that she has (that had a candle in it that has been burned out) to fill with wax for a melt for her. She doesn't want any wicks, just the wax to put on her candle warmer. I know that it is not wise to reuse a container for wicked candles because glass containers can weaken over the course of their usage. What do you think? I don't want to be held liable for accidents, but at the same time, I don't think candle warmers get warm enough to cause problems. Any feedback would be great!

  9. What kind of dye are you using? If you are using liquid dye, and don't have a burgandy color, using red with black works. The way that I test out color (I use liquid dye) is to put in one drop at a time, then use a wooden skewer to put a drop of color onto a white ceramic tile after I stir it. I keeping adding drops and testing them until I get the shade I want. Then I record how many drops I use on an excel spreadsheet so when I make that color again I will know how many drops I used. I am not sure what to do if you aren't using liquid. Powder dye is harder to get exact measurements. Hope it helps!

  10. My goal is to get my candle shelving stained and polyed so I can move it into my shop. I have been making a lot of candles lately anticipating the shelves being complete. I make 6 at a time now so I don't get bored with one scent all at once. It is easy and less time consuming because I have it down to a science. I just made Jamaica Me Crazy for the first time and LOVE IT! I also made some more pumpkin spice because they are selling like hotcakes!

    I have an order for mulberry and lemon together which smells great - that is what is ahead of me for the weekend!


    I used IGI's harmony blend for a while but got tired of the smoke it produced. I found this wax and LOVE IT! I use 10 oz and 16 oz apothocarys, both with a 4 in diameter base. I double wick using zinc 51s and it works great! My customers love how clean it burns because of the soy in it. It is a soft wax and easy to cut. It is not as expensive as some other waxes either. The scent throw is fabulous - it has pretty good adhesion and none of the frosting or pitting problems that all soy has. Best of all it is ONE POUR!!!!!

    I think you should try 11 #s of it and see if it works for you as well as it does for me! I tried a ton of different waxes and wicks before I found this one. Good luck!

    Their website is www.tayloredconcepts.com I think.

  12. I opened a shop inside of a tea room about 2 months ago. In it, I sell my candles along with a lot of other items that are handcrafted (high quality, not craft fairish) items that people consign through me. Doing it that way cut down on a TON of expenses because it was not up to me to front the costs for merchandise bought through companies. It is very easy to manage and fun, too! I plan on marketing my candles to businesses in the area and to flower shops for wholesale when things slow down a bit. The thing I love the most is the hours. Be sure you take that into consideration. I am only open the hours the tea room is open - Thursdays and Fridays from 11-2 and Saturdays from 12-3. It doesn't take time away from my family and doesn't cost me any money for employees. The only problem it causes are in instances like today when I can barely move because I am sick - but I am the only one that can run the shop so guess where I was from 11-2? Working! Make sure the hours are doable. People think that running your own business makes things more flexable. For every day that you are not there, it is money out of your pocket to pay someone else to be there.

    I think you should look into consignment from other talented people in your area. It definately saves on money and time. As for shelving, look for them on sale - target, walmart and kmart all have nice shelving units that go on sale for $25-50. You can always make your own, too! Good luck!

  13. I could never dream of selling a candle without the wick attached to the bottom of the container! That is a fire waiting to happen! I use wick stickums because hot glue melts when the wax liquifies. The stickums are the bomb-diggity! I get mine from BCN. They are too cheap to not get them when you consider the risk. I would have a heart to heart with her and let her know that you are protecting her from a lawsuit that is waiting to happen!:confused:

  14. Hi all! I just HAD to share some great news! I have finally, after 6 months of searching, found my perfect wax! I have to tell you that I don't know what it is, but I have tried so many waxes, I have lost count. I thought I had the perfect one with the harmony blend, but it was too smoky/sooty. I was so frustrated that I almost gave up. I decided to try one more (THANKS DALLAS TEXAS DEAN!) - the Taylored Concepts 50/50 soy paraffin blend.

    HALLELUJAH! NO SMOKING with Zincs! Great CT AND HT! NO SOOTING! GREAT MELT POOL! So after hours and hours and lots of money later, I am thrilled that I may actually begin the process of making candles! I know there is still lots of testing to be done, but the great news is that I at least have a wax to test with!

    I want to thank all of you that have stood by my side through all my wax woes! I appreciate your help and inspiration!

    I will keep you updated!

    DISCLAIMER: Just because I have had tremendous luck with this wax, it doesn't mean it will work for everyone. As most of you know, wax is like children...tempermental! I hope you find a perfect wax that works perfect for you! LOL :laugh2:

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