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OBI Warmers and faulty dimmer switches???


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Anyone been noticing lots of issues with the dimmer switches on OBI's warmers lately?

We sell a ton of these and recently have had quite a few come back saying the bulbs blew out but turns out that the dimmer just took a dump... Granted OBI is amazing in dealing with the issue but it's still kind of a PITB.

On the side: Anyone got a good source for the dimmer switches themselves?

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I don't have an answer for you, but, that may have been the issue OBI had when they were OOS for so long. I emailed them and was told they had gotten an order in but had to send them back for some reason. I can't remember what the reasoning was. I'd have to go back and find the email. Maybe some of the faulty dimmers got missed when they sent them back or possibly some were snuck in when they got them last order and they didn't catch it. Let us know what you find out since so many of us buy OBI warmers.

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In the past month I'd say we have had about 6 or 7 of them like that. Each time they sent a replacement out the very next day (sometimes the same day) and I had it within 1 day as well, so A+ on their customer service. The one today that came back was one of the poly resin ones and they didn't have a replacement so got a credit, so that was cool as well =) Even had a few drop ship ones that they sent a entire new unit to our customers so again A+++

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