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Dislaying Clamshell Tarts


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I have done it with the same thing as Lady Jo above but I also do air fresheners and they pretty much take up most of my space on the display. I recently started putting them in collapsable fabric bins that I got at Dollar Tree. They have various sizes and I can fit in the smaller ones 4 scents (7 of each scent) lined up. I make a sign for each one that lists the scents in each bin. It's worked pretty well so far and seems there's less mess from the customer when they know what's in each one instead of rooting through them. I line those up on the table(s) and the ones I have the colors match my fitted tablecloths so it looks pretty. Sorry I don't have any pics to show of them set up on the tables. The pics below are from Dollar Tree's site. With them being collapasble it takes no room at all in transporting them and when I'm done, fold them up and put them away.


Edited by pleasureridgecandles
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I used to use a piece of pegboard with long straight hooks for mine. Then I could put multiples on the hooks. Since then I bought a nice sized wooden board and put wooden pegs into it though for a better look. We just threw together the pegboards so they got pretty beat up in the process, but they worked :)

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