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ISO of a great water scent

Karen M

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I am looking for a great water type scent, not really ocean type but just water/rain/aquatic, kind of fresh n clean, and strong.

One that throws well in soy and parasoy.

May be kind of like FOC's beach house or harbor mist (used to be scents for soy) but FOC doesn't have either one anymore.


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Water scents sell in the spring and summer for me so I don't carry in the fall. But the ones I like are Peaks Ocean and CS Rainwater.

What I would really like to find is one that smells like Glades Waterfall. Not sure I have the name right. It smells fresh and clean, not oceany, or salty, or rain type scent, just a lovely clean water scent you might find in a fabric softener instead.

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Thats what I want Candybee, water, with no ocean notes. :cheesy2:

Sm white dogs I have cactus and sea, and although it is good, it is too much ocean like. :smiley2:

I will try CS rainwater, since I need more CS stuff soon. I got a sample of driftwood last time and it is my new favorite! :highfive:

I do like KY summer breeze I believe it is a gain laundry type, it is good, I hope AH/RE gets it in.

Thanks for the ideas!! :bow:

Edited by Karen M
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If Cactus & SS is too ocean like, you would not like MW Celestial Sea. I like it better than C & SS, but I think you are asking for a scent like Trapp's "Water". Have you tried Only Fragrance's Citrus Linen Wash or Champagne Snow Showers? That Champ. SS is REALLY growing on me! Very fresh, but with a sweet ending! I am going to put it into candles and lotion! I have KY's Winter Breeze, which is fresh, with peppermint, nice in the winter, and Sunrise Splash, which is very strong in soy and parasoy, and laundry fresh. If you want Sun Spl, I have 7 oz that I will sell you for .80 an ounce. Let me know. You don't need any more than 1 oz PPO, and probably less. Although, I DO think that OF Champ. Snow Showers is more of what you are looking for. Oh, forgot Brambleberry's Sea Moss! Really like it, but it is not a true water scent. Hope this helps! :smiley2:

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