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how can you tell when your fo is getting too old to use?


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How can you tell when your fo is getting to old to use? I have some oils that are atleast 2 yrs old and they still seem to smell fine and burn the same. But i thought I read on here that they are no good after 1yr? What are your experiences?

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I find some just loose the scent, while most of them have this almost vinegar like smell to them, they are just a bit off. I can tell when they are going bad personally. Also I find some scents will last a very long time while others don't last long at all.

Also if u keep the oils in a plastic bottle and the bottle starts to cave in thats a bad sign. I try to move mine to glas to prevent this from happening, I find oils last alot longer in glass.

Also my SweetCakes oils seem to almost never go bad for some reason.

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  • 1 month later...

okay, well that makes more sense that some seem to last longer than others. i had some from this one company that lasted for 2 years (were even getting "crunchy") but still made good candles to the last drop. Then I got a chocolate from this one company and it got "weak" after 6 months! I was shocked, i didnt expect to have any trouble from a chocolate......................

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There's been a lot of discussion on this topic. The general consensus is that a FO can last from a few months to several years. The best way to tell-- sniff it. If it smells off toss it. If it smells off in your application-- again toss it.

Some oils will last for many years. I have oils that are at least 5 yrs old that are still good. What I tend to find is that if I do get a bad one it usually goes bad with a few months to a year.

Then there are some oils that smell better with age-- Patchouli comes to mind.

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