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Tilted Pillar

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After looking at all the beautiful pillars from Jojo T. I had to try.

This scented in Cucumber Green Tea with palm wax.

How do I get even lines? I tilted the mold on it's side, let set a little, then turned and did the same thing. At the end, I set the mold upright and finished filling to the top.


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Thanks everyone.

The wax is IGI 2778 palm pillar wax from Let It Shine. Peak has the same wax.

I used liquid sage green in one pot and no color in another. I started out with no color, then added 2 drops for the next pour. I wanted more white, so I went to the second pour pot. For the next pour of green, I added another drop of sage green. The no colored one was used for the very last pour.

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It's hard to get clean lines because of bleeding. But if your wax isn't hot enough the next layer wont adhere. Try pouring a thin layer of wax, then let it cool, to act as a protective layer to prevent bleeding. After that cools, pour your next layer. HTH

Edited by Tallbabydoll
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It's hard to get clean lines because of bleeding. But if your wax isn't hot enough the next layer wont adhere. Try pouring a thin layer of wax, then let it cool, to act as a protective layer to prevent bleeding. After that cools, pour your next layer. HTH

Thank you. I just need to practice some more.

That looks great! Like a leaf pattern...I love it!

Thank you.

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Hi Linda, Those colours look great - I like it. If you want to get smooth lines, try heat gunning the mould a little on the outside near the top of the layer you have just poured, that way the top of the new layer will be smoothed out where it touches the mould. Like you have already said, it's just practice. Well done.

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