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My Candles. What do you think?

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Hey guys, I've been lurking for a while and just recently started posting, but I really liek this website. It's full of great info! Here are some pics of my current candle line. I've been making candles for a few years now, I do everything myself, design, printing, website design. It saves me tons of money, let me know what you think!

Also, my website is about 90% done, I am not the best at web design, but I think it looks pretty good for a newbie. I still have a few things to add to but do you guys like the layout? Thanks again!!





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Yeah I save money. If I ever need to change my labels, I never have to pay anyone for design work or anything. I have a pretty nice laser printer too, which saves a lot compared to my old inkjet that I used to use. Also, I do some private label work for smaller stores, and it helps doing my own work. Im not really strict in minimum orders, so if a small store only wants 10 or 20 candles, it's really no big deal for me to do it. As for my web site, I save tons doing it myself, I looked into someone designing it for me, but that was definitely out of the question. I really enjoy my design work, it's kinda relaxing to sit back and work on everything. Photoshop over the last few years has definitely become my friend! Thanks for all of your input! I really appreciate it!

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I say take some new photos of your jar candles. It looks like your using a fish-eye lens or maybe just taking the pictures too close. The jars and labels look "bowed" and "distorted".

I design and print all my labels also and it is a money saver. I have over 200 scents and each of those has its own picture (which I try to take myself) for the label. Wouldn't have it any other way. I like to keep my hands on everything. That way there is only one person to praise..... or blame.


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I say take some new photos of your jar candles. It looks like your using a fish-eye lens or maybe just taking the pictures too close. The jars and labels look "bowed" and "distorted".

I design and print all my labels also and it is a money saver. I have over 200 scents and each of those has its own picture (which I try to take myself) for the label. Wouldn't have it any other way. I like to keep my hands on everything. That way there is only one person to praise..... or blame.


I agree. I design and print all mine as well. I lease a pretty fancy printing system, because we UPC code everything as well, and I tell ya, I have saved to much. I used to get a printer to do it, but we had 2 size labels, x 80 scents... and I had to order a minimum of 250 per label... $$$ cha-ching!! About a year ago i sat down and did the math, and even spending $350 a month on the lease, I still save big time. I print all our fundraiser flyers and selling booklets, my wholesale catalogues, our barcodes, and can customize in a flash! :yay:

Germantowncandles, your candles look nice, labels are great, and your website is nice as well. :) Glad you stopped lurking and decided to say hello:)

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