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Making first Soy Candles.. ugh.. lol..

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Hi everyone!

I started into this venture with quite a bit of excitement. I made my first soy candles last night and have a few questions to ask :)

I bought all my supplies from Candle Science

1. I am using EcoSoya CB Advanced.

2. I am using LX-22 Wicks

3. I am using the sent oil and dye chips. 1 Dye chip and 1oz per pound of wax.

4. I am using the canning jars I purchased from same company and they measure 3.15" in diameter on the larger sized ones and 2.95" for the smaller 12oz sized ones.

I followed the instructions exactly. I heated 2.lbs wax at a time and added 2 dye chips and 2oz of FO when temp got to 185. I let the wax cool down to 130 then poured candles. The temp inside my house was approx 70 degrees when I poured the wax and I let the candles cool on my kitchen counter.

I am getting holes near the wicks and sometimes they lead to small craters along the wick. Also, the wicks are drowning out after burning for about an hour. They burn starts out nice, but after a while.. it turns into the TEENIEST little flame, then poof.. it's gone... lol..

I am wondering if I need to use bigger wicks and if the candles are cooling too quickly maybe, causing the holes near the wick?

And.. for the LAST question.. hee hee...

Can I reheat the wax and re-pour into new candles once I figure out what I'm doing wrong? I've poured 13 candles and would hate to lose all that wax.. :(

Thank you for any suggestions you may have... I really love candles and want this to work SOOOOOO Badly!!!!

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Go to www.ngiwax.com then go to products and ordering, click on using ecosoya. Then click on your wax advanced. I love CD wicks, downsize one. Worked for me, this was my 1st wax of choice and alot of people here still are using the advanced. So maybe somebody else will chime in on their opinion. Good Luck and happy candlemaking.:)


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Here is the link to the manufacturer's information about the wax you are using. Lots of information!


Of particular note - you may be lighting them off too soon. the site says: "Test burn the candle for burn pool diameter and quality after it has setup (cured or dried) for a minimum of 48 hours."

LOL! Great minds think alike ... looks like we were posting at the same time. Her link will familiarize you with the site ... my link takes you directly to the info page.


Edited by Judy, USMC
added link info.
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I can't help with that wax as I use something else. However, I have

re-melted candles and then poured them again. I put them in a 180-200 degree oven and let them melt. I only do this when testing and would not do this if I was selling them. But if you are just trying to get a feel, I think you would be fine doing it this way when testing. Another thing I do when I test wicks is pour my candles without a wick. Once the wax has set, poke a hole in the center of the candle and place the wick you want to test. Once I find one that meets the expectations needed then I pour a new candle with that wick secured and burn as usual. It has saved me a lot of time from re-pours.

As for the bubbles and such around the wick, someone had told me once that if you stir too much then you will get them. I am not certain as I have never gotten them so maybe someone else with more experience can chime in there.

Good luck and Happy Addiction!! :D

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Welcome! :wave:Folks have already steered you in good directions, so I have nothing much to add except to say that your description of what you did & what you used and how you did it was the most complete I have ever read by a new person! :D That makes it soooo much easier to study your quandry and offer assistance!

One observation: the diameter of your containers may present a bit of a challenge, but try the CD & CDN wicks. Sample packs with several of each size are available from JBN, Lone Star and others. Something around a 12-16 would be a good range to begin for those two container diameters.

Have fun! :D

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Thank you everyone and thank you for those links~!!!

Ya... I kinda had this sinking feeling that part of my problem was my impatience getting the better of me.. lol..

I love burning candles and after spending BOO KOO bucks on Store bought candles, I thought I'd save some money making my own. I'm actually really enjoying it, I just can't wait until I get it all right and can confidently make my own candles. I also like that I can give them as gifts or sell a few to make some of my candle supply money back..

I'm going to let the rest of this batch cure for a couple of days and try it again,

And, Candlemama6... you are too funny! It IS kind of an addiction for me.. I have been sick for over a year with Crohn's Disease and burning candles this winter during the rainy depressing days really helped to lift my spirits.. So I think I have really come to appreciate the feeling of calming and warmth that a candle can bring to a room.. Or even several candles in a room... lol...

Thanks again everyone!

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Oh sweetheart, this is just the start of your addiction!! (Don't believe me...just do a search with the word 'addiction' and see the results)

It all starts innocent enough. Making them for yourself and maybe a few gifts. See, it starts with candles, then you do some melts. Next comes lotions, bath salts and body scrubs. Then you add the bath bombs, bubble bars, jello soaps and butters. Then you hit the classifieds and co-ops. Then the next thing you know, you realize you are nothing but a FOHO!! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

But, you will be in great company!!! :D

Edited by CandleMama6
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For further testing, I would scale down your recipe/formula. Making 2lbs worth of candle is a lot of headaches to re-do when you are just learning. I like to test my fragrances in 4oz jelly jar to see if they will work in my wax. I test each scent in a bigger jar one at a time to test for wick.



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Thank you everyone and thank you for those links~!!!

Ya... I kinda had this sinking feeling that part of my problem was my impatience getting the better of me.. lol..

I love burning candles and after spending BOO KOO bucks on Store bought candles, I thought I'd save some money making my own. I'm actually really enjoying it, I just can't wait until I get it all right and can confidently make my own candles. I also like that I can give them as gifts or sell a few to make some of my candle supply money back..

And, Candlemama6... you are too funny! It IS kind of an addiction for me.. I have been sick for over a year with Crohn's Disease and burning candles this winter during the rainy depressing days really helped to lift my spirits.. So I think I have really come to appreciate the feeling of calming and warmth that a candle can bring to a room.. Or even several candles in a room... lol...

Stella1952, Thanks for the compliment! I have been studying making soy candles way before I ever took the plunge and purchased my first shipment of supplies :) I have watched about every youtube video for making soy candles and figured the more descriptive I was, the more sense it would make to all the veteran candlemakers here..lol..

So, I'm going to buy some of the CD and CDN wicks and I also am purchasing a heat gun, to help get rid of those wick holes without having to remelt the whole candles and start over again.. Also, I'm going to let the rest of this batch cure for 2 or 3 days and try it again.. According to Candlescience, I've done everything right, except for the patience part.. hee hee!

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I love burning candles and after spending BOO KOO bucks on Store bought candles, I thought I'd save some money making my own.
MUAHAHAHAHA!! Another person caught in the web!!!


I have been sick for over a year with Crohn's Disease and burning candles this winter during the rainy depressing days really helped to lift my spirits
I hope the Crohn's is leaving you alone and that making candles continues helping you to feel mo' better! :D Edited by Stella1952
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Boy, I'm still figuring out how to use this forum and what the little icons mean... I thought the little minus sign was a way to edit my post, Thank goodness for cut and paste!

Anyhoo.. I wanted to add NaturallyTru, thanks for the tip.. It is a big deal to redo 2lbs of candles at a time! My new Mantra.. "Patience, Baby Steps - Patience, Baby Steps" hehehe...

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Sorry Guys, I'm still trying to figure out how this website works and what the little icons mean.. Thank goodness for Cut and Paste! Instead of editing my post, I deleted it and reposted it with a few edits... lol...

I wanted to also thank you for the tip NaturallyTru, It IS a hassle to redo 2lbs of wax at a time.. I will listen to your advice next time..

And Stella! You are hilarious! "caught in the web".... LOL... that was a knee slapper! And to think I thought I was doing myself a favor.. hee hee! Eh.. who cares, it's fun and worth the money I lose.. LOLOL

As for the Crohn's.. It's still active, but manageable.. going in for a test tomorrow and hopefully I'll get a new medication to wipe out this darn abdominal pain I've been cursed with since Christmas.. eek!

Thanks again! I'm so glad I found this forum!!!

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I don't have much to add to whats already been said. I have worked with the CB Advanced and eventually went back to using the CB135. CBA is not for everyone.

The CBA does require a cure time and that will vary alot with each scent. Some can take as little as 48 hrs and some 3-4 weeks before curing. Also, you will find that many scents simply do not work in this wax. CBA will always give you a great cold throw but not always a good hot throw. So testing a lot of scents to see which ones work will be required with this wax.

I am happy for you that you find candlemaking destressing. It does the same for me. I am always in a happy mood when making my candles.

BTW-- I had similar drowning of wick using LX22. Before you buy more wicks if you have a sampler pack of LX wicks try a LX24 size to test. I did find that fragrances that threw well in CBA threw using the LX series. Some wicks may burn better but may not always create the scent throw you are looking for. You want a good burn with good scent throw from your wick.

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