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Non-Screw-Top Jars and Lids?

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Anyone know a supplier for jars and lids that don't have a screw top?

90% of what I see uses screw tops, but I just had a potential boutique store manager tell me that when the lid is off that "it looks like someone just made a candle in a baby food jar.". Hmph.

I see plenty of straight-top jars, but nothing sold to cover them. Commercially there are really nice lids using a rubber gasket to loosely hold a metal lid on, but this customer said even a lid with no attachment, just a cover that sits there, might be sufficient.

...should have brought rustic pillars samples instead.

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I'm short of customers, so may be worth a try, esp if they'll pre order at least enough to cover a test order of jars. I don't mind doing the testing, it's kinda fun, and I have enough palm wax experience I should nail it pretty quick.

That said, yeah, you may be right. I just found one other who wants "something country", so jj are worth a try. Also a new size for me but a good one to know.

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I'm short of customers, so may be worth a try, esp if they'll pre order at least enough to cover a test order of jars. I don't mind doing the testing, it's kinda fun, and I have enough palm wax experience I should nail it pretty quick.

That said, yeah, you may be right. I just found one other who wants "something country", so jj are worth a try. Also a new size for me but a good one to know.

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I do love frosted tumblers, one of my favorites for my own use.

I thought this boutique could really use something new to perk up their selection, which right now is undyed soy only, in a shop full of odd colorful stuff from handcrafted blown glass to unique but mass produced toys and games. Bright colors of palm would do the trick but need clear for that. Honestly tho I'd be surprised if she'd order more than a half dozen at a time.

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